A askCFC 初级会员 注册 2022-08-29 消息 494 荣誉分数 111 声望点数 53 2024-05-26 #1 死拼俄罗斯,结果害惨了自己,人家不缺钱,财务健康的很,有粮食核武能源人口,到底消弱了谁?
贵圈 政府都对党 注册 2014-10-21 消息 32,808 荣誉分数 6,137 声望点数 373 2024-05-26 #2 这只是国债。还有家庭债呢。。习惯借贷度日的国家,家庭债务也是巨大。总数可能超过国债。。
A ASSISTANT 本站元老 注册 2012-06-30 消息 10,263 荣誉分数 1,408 声望点数 373 2024-05-26 #3 经济还得和实物挂钩,不然就是泡沫。俄坐在矿上。普丁只要把生孩子定为国策,就能陪西方玩一万年
B billwanhua 本站元老 注册 2005-07-07 消息 15,316 荣誉分数 4,775 声望点数 373 2024-05-27 #4 Russia is producing artillery shells around three times faster than Ukraine's Western allies and for about a quarter of the cost Sky News visited a group of new recruits who were learning how to use an N-LAW anti-tank missile, first provided to the Ukrainian military by the UK. news.sky.com Russia is producing artillery shells around three times faster than Ukraine's Western allies and for about a quarter of the cost
Russia is producing artillery shells around three times faster than Ukraine's Western allies and for about a quarter of the cost Sky News visited a group of new recruits who were learning how to use an N-LAW anti-tank missile, first provided to the Ukrainian military by the UK. news.sky.com Russia is producing artillery shells around three times faster than Ukraine's Western allies and for about a quarter of the cost
OTW100 MAKING a Bit SENSE 注册 2011-10-11 消息 5,805 荣誉分数 1,459 声望点数 323 2024-05-27 #5 你一看别人有债、自己就吓一跳? 哪和哪儿的事儿嘛。
阿土仔 本站元老 VIP 注册 2007-01-19 消息 28,059 荣誉分数 9,528 声望点数 373 2024-05-27 #6 ASSISTANT 说: 经济还得和实物挂钩,不然就是泡沫。俄坐在矿上。普丁只要把生孩子定为国策,就能陪西方玩一万年 点击展开... 那苏联咋完蛋的?
贾 贾和平 "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown" 注册 2014-09-02 消息 1,239 荣誉分数 417 声望点数 193 2024-05-27 #7 " 陪西方玩一万年"? The question is how they are playing. The $NVDA market cap is Russia's entire GDP plus US$ 300 billion in cash. And it can keep sucking more flows of cash in from all over the world than the cash that Russia's oil pumps produce.
" 陪西方玩一万年"? The question is how they are playing. The $NVDA market cap is Russia's entire GDP plus US$ 300 billion in cash. And it can keep sucking more flows of cash in from all over the world than the cash that Russia's oil pumps produce.
W welcomelm 本站元老 注册 2008-07-21 消息 11,842 荣誉分数 2,690 声望点数 373 2024-05-27 #8 阿土仔 说: 那苏联咋完蛋的? 点击展开... 不能问,太煞风景
heureux 闲逛 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-18 消息 46,130 荣誉分数 20,133 声望点数 1,393 2024-05-27 #9 阿土仔 说: 那苏联咋完蛋的? 点击展开... 因为出了一个拿诺贝尔奖的国家领导人
Z zyu2024 新手上路 注册 2024-01-09 消息 292 荣誉分数 38 声望点数 28 2024-05-27 #10 US-supplied HIMARS 'completely ineffective' against superior Russian jamming technology, report says US-supplied HIMARS 'completely ineffective' against superior Russian jamming technology, report says Russian jamming can cause the HIMAR missiles to miss targets by 50ft or more, The Washington Post reported. www.businessinsider.com
US-supplied HIMARS 'completely ineffective' against superior Russian jamming technology, report says US-supplied HIMARS 'completely ineffective' against superior Russian jamming technology, report says Russian jamming can cause the HIMAR missiles to miss targets by 50ft or more, The Washington Post reported. www.businessinsider.com
贾 贾和平 "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown" 注册 2014-09-02 消息 1,239 荣誉分数 417 声望点数 193 2024-05-27 #11 heureux 说: 因为出了一个拿诺贝尔奖的国家领导人 点击展开... 诺贝尔和平奖, since then, has that land ever had peace?
阿土仔 本站元老 VIP 注册 2007-01-19 消息 28,059 荣誉分数 9,528 声望点数 373 2024-05-27 #12 heureux 说: 因为出了一个拿诺贝尔奖的国家领导人 点击展开... 奥驴也是拿了诺贝尔奖的国家领导人!
heureux 闲逛 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-18 消息 46,130 荣誉分数 20,133 声望点数 1,393 2024-05-27 #13 阿土仔 说: 奥驴也是拿了诺贝尔奖的国家领导人! 点击展开... 好像有点不同: 自家人给自家人发的奖不算
擒屎皇 新手上路 注册 2024-01-17 消息 684 荣誉分数 160 声望点数 43 2024-05-27 #14 俄毛失业率下降,GDP上升,越打越富裕。我觉得各国应该加把劲,帮助俄毛更上一层楼。
阿土仔 本站元老 VIP 注册 2007-01-19 消息 28,059 荣誉分数 9,528 声望点数 373 2024-05-27 #15 heureux 说: 好像有点不同: 自家人给自家人发的奖不算 点击展开... 挪威人发给过美国人、苏联人、以色列人、巴勒斯坦人,也发给过中国人,不都是同一意识形态,但都为世界和平做出了贡献。