Committee receives audit of City’s Climate Change Master Plan

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Today, the Audit Committee received a report from the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) on the City’s ability to achieve the targets and actions outlined in its Climate Change Master Plan.

The report examined the strategies, plans and tools used by the City in its work to both reduce the local production of greenhouse gas emissions and to better adapt to the impacts of climate change.

While the report noted that there is “meaningful work ongoing across the City to address climate change,” it also found that the City has not established a formal system of accountability or a framework to adequately measure progress.

The report also noted a need for the City to realign the Climate Change Master Plan priorities with its current strategic direction, including how it prioritizes and funds work on this issue.

City staff agree with the findings of the audit and are committed to implementing the recommendations.

Independent of the audit, the City has also recently established an updated Climate Change and Resiliency Service Area in the new Strategic Initiatives department. This reorganization has created a single point of accountability to deliver on the priorities of climate change and resiliency.

The Audit Committee also received the OAG’s report on the City’s use of purchasing cards, which can act as a flexible and efficient way to acquire lower-cost goods and services, including in emergencies.

The report found a need for improved clarity in the policies and procedures that govern the purchasing card program.

City staff agree with each of the report’s recommendations. Some work is already underway to improve the purchasing card system, including enhanced training for staff who have access to the cards.

These reports will rise to City Council on June 26, 2024.

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