影院正放 Unfaithful, 前 2/3 很酷,后 1/3 也很酷。

前 2/3 good sex,后 1/3 cruel murder。

Edward and Connie Sumner are a wonderfully-maintained middle-aged couple living the American dream in the suburbs of New York City. But no life goes unchallenged: This happy marriage falls prey to an outsider when Connie has a fateful collision with a stranger on a Soho street. It’s an encounter which assaults her with mystery, spontaneity, charm ­ and risk. It will pull Connie into an affair which will become her obsession. When Edward innocently learns that his wife has lied to him, suspicion propels him to uncover the devastating details of her infidelity.

7.2/10 (90 votes)

User comments and reviews:

I thought the fact that Richard Gere was in it meant that the movie was at least ok. WRONG! The movie is more on the erotic side than on the dramatic side (I. E. the plot is paper thin) if you've ever watched "law and order" you won't be able to stand through the end of the movie, whoich by the way, ends in a very undeciding fashion. Even my girlfriend couldn't take it anymore and she absolutely loves dramas.

4.6.2002 - pisoi9@ - age: 18-25

Less a movie than a "perfect storm, " fed by the conjoined forces of Lyne, Lane, Gere and Martinez, great in their singular gifts, great in their teamwork, great in the service of a common aim--which is to drown (and to help the rest of us drown) in a sea of lust, sorrow and uncertainty. Such is life, offering some of life's consolations: being struck by the lightning-bolt called "Diane Lane" is perhaps the greatest of these.

4.6.2002 - rarand@ - age: 50+

I'm wondering whether people who rated 7/10 and up saw the same movie as me? The one I saw was SO boring. The movie was recommended by a friend of mine who told me it would be disturbing, make me feel uncomfortable and very sexual... yeah my ass!! AVOID this movie.

2.6.2002 - maylau28@ - age: 18-25

Super bon film, à voir absolument c'est tellement triste que j'avais l'gout dpleurer comme un bébé, pour les coeurs sensibles j'vous averti ;)

1.6.2002 - potentialik@ - age: 18-25

Go see this movie! It is excellent! If you loved "9 and a 1/2 Weeks", you will love this movie even more. You can't miss this.

31.5.2002 - lynn_mastromonaco@ - age: 18-25

An extremely well-made movie. If you appreciate quality in movies, go see this. It leaves one thinking, it was amazingly acted and directed.

30.5.2002 - harfieldm@ - age: 36-49

Good movie. Somewhat different, finally. Funny the Hollywood crowd figured the seducer/major hottie/mystery man should be a character of European origin, played by an European actor. Way to go and long live the good old American cliches. To Felix: Would you say men DON'T look for excitement outside the marriage and wouldn't enjoy a great looking, young piece of meat? And do you really believe it when you say women are always forgiven while men aren't :) ? If that's indeed so, how do marriages survive for tens of years sometimes? Believe me, it's not because men are extremely faithful. Bottom line, women are not that different from men. And whether they're mothers or not makes little difference. I'd agree it should matter when I meet a man who wouldn't cheat because he's a father. When something exciting comes along, chances are a lady would give it a thought, if she has the right kind of character - a shoot too. Nothing that surprising or outrageous there, we're all human. Watch the movie again if you think otherwise.

30.5.2002 - iveltc@ - age: 18-25

Even an actor like Richard Gere couldn't make this movie worth seeing. Character development was lacking, if not completely absent, making the character's actions often unpredictable and confusing. There was a severe lack of attention to detail, and many scenes and comments seemed to contradict those previous. Diane Lane's performance was less than satisfactory, as her emotions often seemed overexaggerated. The only saving grace to the film was the ending. Leaving it undecided, as it was, allows those watching to decide their ending based on their own morals and beliefs. Probably a lot easier to stomach than having one of the two endings shoved in your face.

30.5.2002 - rwebber@ - age: 18-25

Porn... but with better music. This movie aspired to be something but fell short. They worked really hard on going somewhere with the movie, and did so till a point. But then it fell short. It was a little long, and had no ending to it... they just cut it off (a bad director's way out) But otherwise it was alright.

29.5.2002 - kishkash80@ - age: 18-25
enjoy, thank you for your input.

I would expect people who is at least 30 yrs old, even better if (s)he is married to appreciate this movie, because young people would not understand why this married woman who has a nice husband who is much better than her lover does this in the first place. Connie Sumner (Diane Lane, of course) is very sexy. Her actions with her lover are full of lust. Be honest, I do not really like the later part: the murder is too cruel.

Anyway, the movie was carefully made. It is well worth your $8.50.
I strongly recommend you to watch it if you are older 30.
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