:($): 初级会员 注册 2019-10-05 消息 925 荣誉分数 241 声望点数 53 2024-07-13 #3 少见多怪啊,国内的贵族雪糕钟薛高火都烧不化,都是胶,没啥水。 View: https://youtu.be/XUUV36gBSeA?si=b4wii17-IBV906tR 最后编辑: 2024-07-13
B billwanhua 本站元老 注册 2005-07-07 消息 15,831 荣誉分数 5,049 声望点数 373 2024-07-13 #4 They have scientific explanation: Response to myth that McDonald’s burgers do not decompose The reality is that our burgers are made only with 100% USDA inspected beef. There are no preservatives or fillers in our patties and the only thing ever added is a touch of salt and pepper on the grill. corporate.mcdonalds.com https://www.kidsnews.com.au/health/mcdonalds-burger-and-fries-still-fresh-after-10-years/news-story/879758af14c9ae701004184e82c9c1d3 McDonald’s burger and fries still ‘fresh’ after 10 years McDonald’s burger didn’t decompose after 24 years in storage www.mailplus.co.uk
They have scientific explanation: Response to myth that McDonald’s burgers do not decompose The reality is that our burgers are made only with 100% USDA inspected beef. There are no preservatives or fillers in our patties and the only thing ever added is a touch of salt and pepper on the grill. corporate.mcdonalds.com https://www.kidsnews.com.au/health/mcdonalds-burger-and-fries-still-fresh-after-10-years/news-story/879758af14c9ae701004184e82c9c1d3 McDonald’s burger and fries still ‘fresh’ after 10 years McDonald’s burger didn’t decompose after 24 years in storage www.mailplus.co.uk
CastleCode AAA 注册 2014-02-10 消息 2,151 荣誉分数 404 声望点数 193 所在地 Ottawa 2024-07-13 #5 为啥我的冰箱没关好,4个小时都化了。是不是应该放在外面?
Jay Wang 薄皮大馅 VIP 注册 2008-05-09 消息 34,247 荣誉分数 7,802 声望点数 373 2024-07-13 #6 eclipse 说: 浏览附件1146916 浏览附件1146917 点击展开... 土鳖奶油造的!?