心情不好, 把老太太推倒人至死, 弄个精神报告 就无罪, 法律也太多漏洞
If a forensic psychiatrist finds Cunneen is not criminally responsible and suffered from a mental disorder at the time of the manslaughter, he could be exempt from criminal charges and would be ordered to be treated in a psychiatric facility.
If a forensic psychiatrist finds Cunneen is not criminally responsible and suffered from a mental disorder at the time of the manslaughter, he could be exempt from criminal charges and would be ordered to be treated in a psychiatric facility.
Man who pushed senior woman over as he ran up Yonge Street guilty of manslaughter | Globalnews.ca
A Toronto man was found guilty of pushing an 89-year-old women leading to her sudden death as he ran up Yonge Street, telling the court he had had a stressful day.