M mm65 知名会员 注册 2003-07-18 消息 62 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 118 2003-12-23 #3 最初由 shaji 发布 各位大虾:如题 点击展开... BUFFET YANGMING
咖啡与奶@*LXJ* ☆*^o^*☆ LXJ&LJX ☆*^o^*☆ 注册 2002-10-07 消息 6,022 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-12-23 #4 yang ming buffet!
Bonny 新手上路 注册 2003-06-10 消息 574 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-12-23 #9 Yang Ming Buffet, all the food are salty, u need to drink lots of water or eat lots of fruit, very easily get full!
Yang Ming Buffet, all the food are salty, u need to drink lots of water or eat lots of fruit, very easily get full!
coolsunshine 爱人是一面镜子, 注册 2002-08-30 消息 1,064 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-12-24 #10 最初由 Bonny 发布 Yang Ming Buffet, all the food are salty, u need to drink lots of water or eat lots of fruit, very easily get full! 点击展开... 那当然。要不然自助餐怎么赚钱啊?不过,扬名楼的东西算不错啦!
最初由 Bonny 发布 Yang Ming Buffet, all the food are salty, u need to drink lots of water or eat lots of fruit, very easily get full! 点击展开... 那当然。要不然自助餐怎么赚钱啊?不过,扬名楼的东西算不错啦!
then 百科落后秀才 VIP 注册 2003-08-12 消息 2,476 荣誉分数 93 声望点数 178 2004-01-01 #11 吃过了,感觉还不错。建议大家早去,慢慢吃,我们上午11点去的,1点多一点就出来了,没有吃上回头餐, 多去大胃王,要不然不划算,