桌子,椅子, 灯,花盆花池,网球拍,新双肩包,真皮椅,CD player,百叶窗,鞋架,Sound Card,modem..(pictur

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 moose
  • 开始时间 开始时间


For sale (in Hull): [Picures are taken by web camera]

1.棕色绒面靠背扶手椅1套2把__$8/each; (可学习或吃饭用, steel frame, very firm, can be pied up closely, save space)

2.灰色绒面靠背1套3把__$8/each; (same as above)

3.棕红色革面吧台椅1把--$8;(64cm high)

4.木制Rocking chairs 2把, 1(folding) for $15, another$25.

5.麻绒电脑椅,with arm,green,good condition, could be dismantled,$20.

6.百叶窗2个--white one, 1.15m wide,$8; the two colour one(blue and white),1.0m wide*1.7m long,$15(very beautiful).


8.花瓷台灯1个---$10; 黑瓷台灯1个---$8;

9.Keyboard 2个--1: M/N: Connectkey-c, S/N: J970500129(made in Mexico); 2: Model RT-101+(Made in Thailand), price negatiable.

10.各种不同大小的花盆---小的可用于春天育种, 大的种花种菜;
长条型花池---可悬挂于阳台外; 方型花池-----较大, 可种花种菜;
from $0.25 to $5;

11. Drinkmaster (Classic drink mixer), made in USA, 2 speeds, $15.(the original price is $35 in Zellers)

12."HEAD"网球拍(含球拍套)---ceramic reinforced fram(vibration-control-system), $30 (2 years old).

13.各种规格的装活页纸的活页夹, 文件夹、文具and many other stuff for study;

14.Puppy/dalmation assist 4924, made in Canda, "Fisher Price", looks new, very useful for baby, $10 (the original price is $32.97+tax)

15.many English books for: 统计.线性代数.电脑(very new), dictionary....

16.全新的旅行双肩包2个, $18(黑红色,可加长或缩短) and $13(绿黑色).(适合做飞机时随身携带)new, in good quality!

17.可调节角度大真皮椅, 墨绿色,黑金属架.beautiful, very firm and comfortable, just a little flaw which does not affect use, $80.

18.Sony CD player. 5-DISC changer with ex-change digital volume control. price negotiable.

19.木桌子 (big table), can be used for study or dinning table.in good condition. $40,(sorry, no pictures, call me for detai).

20. TM-869 sound card(including manual, install disc...)

21. "Robotics" Faxmodem with *2TM 56K

22. Coffee-maker, $10.

23.Many other cookware.

24.big 鞋架, steel frame, very firm and beautiful, $30;
small 鞋架, wooden, white, looks new, $5.

25. CD架, black, good quality, can store many CDs, $15.

26. 白色晾衣架, steel frame, $5.

27. 纸篓1个, big, very new, $5

28.加拿大东部游的材料、地图、Tourbook...free with any purchase.

And many other stuff not listed here, if wanted, send me QQH, or call me 7706742.
Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)
Re: Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

and other small stuff for study.
Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

2.灰色绒面靠背1套3把__$8/each; (same as above)
Re: Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

最初由 moose 发布
2.灰色绒面靠背1套3把__$8/each; (same as above)
Re: Re: Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

最初由 moose 发布
Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

3.棕红色革面吧台椅1把--$8;(64cm high)
Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

4.木制Rocking chairs 2把, 1(folding) for $15
Re: Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

最初由 moose 发布
4.木制Rocking chairs 2把, 1(folding) for $15
Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

1.棕色绒面靠背扶手椅1套3把__$8/each; (可学习或吃饭用, steel frame, very firm, can be pied up closely, save room)
Re: Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

[can be pied up closely, save room)

2.灰色绒面靠背1套3把__$8/each; (can be pied up closely as following picture)
Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

4.木制Rocking chairs 2把, another$25.
Re: Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

最初由 moose 发布
4.木制Rocking chairs 2把, another$25.
Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)

5.八成新黑色折叠椅2个---$5 each;(one is soft surface,suitable for winter,another is hard plastic, good for summer)
Re: Re: 各种椅子,灯,花盆花池,网球拍,活页夹,雨伞...(附图)
