最初由 vivi4ever 发布
最初由 颠道人 发布
国内卖的shiseido化妆品基本都是国内合资生产或者日本大阪生产的,所以价格似乎与国外差不多。但要注意, shiseido化妆品在日本有两个产地,东京银座和大阪。大阪产的价格比东京产的价格一般便宜50%,所以,购买时一...
最初由 颠道人 发布
最初由 abby 发布
Rideau shoping mail里的Shiseido是日本东京生产的。
Shiseido can be found in Sears, the Bay... most of major department stores in any mall. Cleaning and cream series like Skincare,Bio and Pureness(spl?) sold in North American seems to be all made in US, at least the ones I used. I noticed some of the free samples are from Japan. Just persaonal experience, I could be wrong.