B billwanhua 本站元老 注册 2005-07-07 消息 15,952 荣誉分数 5,105 声望点数 373 2024-12-24 #1 法国人怎么了?注意,这个图是AI 效果图。 刚修好失火的巴黎圣母院
擒屎皇 初级会员 注册 2024-01-17 消息 809 荣誉分数 194 声望点数 53 2024-12-24 #3 一座破塔,一点都不好看,烧掉也没啥可惜的。按目前的趋势,法国迟早会伊斯兰化,巴黎圣母院估计也朝不保夕。
知更鸟 资深人士 注册 2018-06-08 消息 12,630 荣誉分数 5,000 声望点数 273 2024-12-24 #5 PublicOne 说: 既然是铁的塔,会着火吗? 点击展开... 电线着火
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,684 荣誉分数 37,565 声望点数 1,393 2024-12-24 #7 Eiffel Tower evacuated on Christmas Eve following fire alarm prompted by elevator issue Weeks after the Notre Dame Cathedral reopened from a devastating fire, the other iconic Paris, France monument the Eiffel Tower sounded a fire alarm. www.usatoday.com
Eiffel Tower evacuated on Christmas Eve following fire alarm prompted by elevator issue Weeks after the Notre Dame Cathedral reopened from a devastating fire, the other iconic Paris, France monument the Eiffel Tower sounded a fire alarm. www.usatoday.com
T tt8966 本站元老 注册 2011-08-05 消息 6,258 荣誉分数 1,943 声望点数 373 2024-12-24 #8 ccc 说: Eiffel Tower evacuated on Christmas Eve following fire alarm prompted by elevator issue Weeks after the Notre Dame Cathedral reopened from a devastating fire, the other iconic Paris, France monument the Eiffel Tower sounded a fire alarm. www.usatoday.com 点击展开... 当年巴黎圣母院最终也说是正常原因失火的,尽管有人说在那个时间段看见过穿白袍子的男子出现过,法国政府好像压根就没有深入调查过失火原因。 而且失火的这个时间点,呵呵
ccc 说: Eiffel Tower evacuated on Christmas Eve following fire alarm prompted by elevator issue Weeks after the Notre Dame Cathedral reopened from a devastating fire, the other iconic Paris, France monument the Eiffel Tower sounded a fire alarm. www.usatoday.com 点击展开... 当年巴黎圣母院最终也说是正常原因失火的,尽管有人说在那个时间段看见过穿白袍子的男子出现过,法国政府好像压根就没有深入调查过失火原因。 而且失火的这个时间点,呵呵