What items will be hit?
Colombia is not one of the U.S.′ largest trading partners, but steep tariffs could still impact billions of dollars of economic activity. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative puts total bilateral trade between the U.S. and Colombia at $53.5 billion annually as of 2022, with the U.S. having a trade surplus of $3.9 billion
Oil is a two-way trade between the countries, as refined petroleum from the U.S. is the biggest export to Columbia.
The second-largest export from Colombia was coffee, at $1.8 billion, according to OEC. Colombia accounts for about 20% of coffee shipped to the U.S. and is the second-largest source of imports after Brazil, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Meanwhile, rival China has been increasing its trade relations with Colombia, and it is now the country’s No. 2 trading partner. The eruption of a trade dispute with Columbia over Trump’s immigration policies could provide an opening for China, which is thirsty for Colombia’s oil as well as its coffee.