是真没人了,难啊。哈伯在时是兵强马壮,人才济济。每天宣传Canada is broken,谁还愿意为政府效力,投身政治,心气都没了把腐败无能却多数执政十几年的安省自由党打到只剩个位数的安省保守党党领福特省长。
Ford’s PCs maintain 15-point lead as advanced polls near: Nanos survey
Within days before Ontarians head to advanced polls this week, Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives continue to hold a significant lead over their rivals while dominating key battlegrounds like the Greater Toronto Area, a new survey by CTV News' official pollster Nanos Research suggests.www.ctvnews.ca
最近她ahs丑闻缠身,我还是同意她为阿省着想,不遗余力。但她代表的是油商的利益,有必要她会不惜出卖安省利益。再说她那也是省保守党,和联邦选举啥关系没有啊保持高approval rating并且在最近应对川普关税威胁中表现亮眼的阿尔伯塔保守党党领Danielle Smith省长.
Alberta UCP and Premier Danielle Smith maintain high approval ratings: Leger poll
Alberta UCP and Premier Danielle Smith maintain high approval ratings but majority of Albertans disapprove of where the province is headededmontonjournal.com