Committee approves policy to improve access to cultural funding

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The Community Services Committee today approved a new Cultural Funding Policy to govern how the City allocates more than $12 million in annual funding for the local arts, cultural and heritage sector.

The City’s cultural funding programs provide essential financial support to local cultural organizations and artists to foster vibrant communities and grow Ottawa’s economic diversity. The new policy was developed in partnership with the community, with extensive public engagement throughout the review. More than 900 people provided input on cultural funding over the course of nine months, including representatives from 138 cultural organizations.

The new program structure would preserve what has worked well while also responding directly to calls for improved access and simplified programs. The City would streamline the existing 17 programs into 10 without reducing available funding. Applicants would benefit from more flexible categories that reflect the current cultural landscape, as well as increased funding limits for some programs. The new structure promises equitable access to funds, easier-to-navigate application processes and faster times for funding decisions. The City would continue to use a community-supported peer-assessment process to determine funding allocations.

The new program structure directly supports the City’s commitments to reconciliation, equity and inclusion to broaden the impact of cultural funding programs. Two of the programs provide access and targeted investment to new, emerging and under-funded cultural activities presented by Indigenous and equity-denied applicants. Changes to the program structure align with the objectives of recent Council-approved strategies, such as the City of Ottawa - Anishinabe Algonquin Nation Civic Cultural Protocol and Implementation Plan and the City of Ottawa Anti-Racism Strategy.

The new policy also responds to the 2021 audit of grants and contributions, which recommended taking a risk-based approach. This approach would ensure the integrity of grant disbursements through accountability and oversight measures, without placing overly burdensome requirements on applicants and staff.

The Committee approved the City’s annual declarations of compliance with the terms of the Long-Term Care Service Accountability Agreement and the Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement with Ontario Health. In 2024, the City received nearly $59 million of provincial funding through these agreements to deliver services at four long-term care homes, two adult day programs and one acquired brain injury program. The City has fulfilled all its obligations under the terms of the agreements and met all performance and reporting requirements.

The City also reported to Ontario Health regarding service provided in French at its long-term care homes and adult day programs. Centre d’accueil Champlain completed a more comprehensive report, covering the requirements of a French-language service home. The City is waiting for the outcome of its application for Centre d’accueil Champlain to be designated a full French-language service provider under the French Language Services Act.

Items considered at this meeting will rise to Council on Wednesday, March 26.
