Mark Carney 会比较中间偏右。


Governor of the Bank of Canada (2008–2013)​

In October 2007, Carney was appointed Governor of the Bank of Canada.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>30<span>]</span></a> He immediately left his position at the Department of Finance to become an advisor to the outgoing governor, David Dodge, before formally assuming Dodge's position on February 1, 2008.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>30<span>]</span></a> Carney was selected over Paul Jenkins, the senior deputy governor, who had been considered the front-runner to succeed Dodge.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>31<span>]</span></a>

他任央行行长的时候加拿大币对美元reach historical peak,​

CAD vs. USD exchange rate when Carney was the the Governor of the Bank of Canada
December 31, 2007 0.935147
December 31, 2008 0.944173
December 31, 2009 0.880059
December 31, 2010 0.970701
December 31, 2011 1.011464
December 31, 2012 1.00023
December 31, 2013 0.971164

Carney took on this role at the beginning of the 2007 global financial crisis. At the time of his appointment, Carney was the youngest central bank governor among the G8 and G20.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>32<span>]</span></a>

Governor of the Bank of England (2013–2020)

On November 26, 2012, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced the appointment of Carney as Governor of the Bank of England.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>53<span>]</span></a> He succeeded Sir Mervyn King on July 1, 2013.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>54<span>]</span></a> He was the first non-Briton to be appointed to the role since the Bank of England was established in 1694.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>55<span>]</span></a> The Bank of England was given additional powers from 2013, such as the ability to set bank capital requirements.<a href="Mark Carney - Wikipedia"><span>[</span>56<span>]</span></a>

Post-governorships (2020–2024)
In October 2020,Carney was vice chairman at Brookfield Asset Management Carney also worked as one of many informal advisors to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the COVID-19 pandemic and was made chair of the Liberal Party's economic growth taskforce in September 2024.
卡尼在爱民顿长大,他官宣竞选也在爱民顿. 这一点考虑到.