If you can not speak French, Please come in and sign the petition!!!

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 moose
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Please sign the petition to end official bilingualism: stop the waste and iscrimination!


Petition to end Official Bilingualism: Stop the waste and discrimination

To: The Federal Government of Canada
We, the non-French-speaking people of Canada, demand that the Government of Canada stop wasting money on the Official Bilingualism policy of Canada.

Official Bilingualism has been imposed on the people of Canada, without permission obtained by way of a national referendum.

Official Bilingualism has been proven to favour French-speakers. Canada's French-speaking population resides mainly in Quebec, which is itself an officially unilingual French province. The government of Quebec has passed heinous laws against non French-speakers, effectively making the use of all languages other than French, including English, illegal in that province.

We demand that, before this policy of Official Bilingualism is further funded and promoted across Canada, the people of Canada be asked permission, by way of a national referendum.

Language facts in Canada:

"Francophones are bilingual more often than Anglophones. In general, bilingualism is linked to the amount of contact between different linguistic groups. People in the larger linguistic group are less likely to become bilingual. However, the contrary is true of small linguistic groups".

- taken from the Department of Canadian Heritage webpage , "Bilingualism in Canada".

In other words, francophone Quebecers are more likely to have the advantage of speaking both official languages, because they are more exposed to English than Anglophones are exposed to French in this area.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21, part 1 and 2 states: 1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. 2) Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.

Every time our federal government declares a public service position "bilingual Imperative" they automatically disallow 95% of English speaking people outside the province of Quebec from applying for the job. Many of these jobs are high profile heads of departments, agencies and crown corporations.

This is not equal access to public service.

1) only 2% of the population of Ottawa are unilingual French. The huge majority of the population in Ottawa is functionally literate in English, including most francophones, yet a hugely disproportionate percentage of jobs now require bilingualism.

2) 86% of all bilingual Canadians live in Quebec and adjacent parts of Ontario and New Brunswick.

3) 72% of all Francophone federal public servants are employed in bilingual positions.

4) Only 5% of all Francophone federal public servants are employed in "English Essential" positions.

5) In 1978, 48% of all National Capital Region (Ottawa-Hull region) public service positions were designated bilingual, at that time Anglophones represented 68% of all National Capital Region public servants. Today bilingual National Capital Region positions have increased to 63% and Anglophone representation has decreased to 59%. In New Brunswick, Canada's only officially bilingual province, Anglophone participation in federal departments has decreased from 84% in 1978 to 62% in 1999.

6) Francophones make up only 22.7% of Canada's population, yet occupy 41% of the National Capital Region public service positions.

Please sign this petition , and take a stand, before the only jobs available are low-paying for the unilingual speaker and official bilingualism becomes a glass ceiling for promotions which will eventually result in a national Anglo ghetto population. This is already happening to Anglophones in regions of Ottawa, New Brunswick, and of course, most of Quebec.

We guarantee that your privacy will be respected .

In order to sign the petition, you will have to provide an email address to the automatic petition host register. It will not be made public.

Please opt to share your e-mail address privately with the authors of this petition, so that we may contact you in future via email to help us mount a public and court challenge to this discrimination. Your email address will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be given to anyone else.

Thank you for participating! Also, please visit our web page at www.languagefairness.org

If you wish to donate to the language group, please do so directly through the CLF site at www.languagefairness.org

We demand equal rights as citizens of Canada.


The Undersigned
最初由 moose 发布
Please sign the petition to end official bilingualism: stop the waste and iscrimination!


Petition to end Official Bilingualism: Stop the waste and discrimination

To: The Federal Government of Canada
We, the non-French-speaking people of Canada, demand that the Government of Canada stop wasting money on the Official Bilingualism policy of Canada.

Official Bilingualism has been imposed on the people of Canada, without permission obtained by way of a national referendum.

Official Bilingualism has been proven to favour French-speakers. Canada's French-speaking population resides mainly in Quebec, which is itself an officially unilingual French province. The government of Quebec has passed heinous laws against non French-speakers, effectively making the use of all languages other than French, including English, illegal in that province.

We demand that, before this policy of Official Bilingualism is further funded and promoted across Canada, the people of Canada be asked permission, by way of a national referendum.

Language facts in Canada:

"Francophones are bilingual more often than Anglophones. In general, bilingualism is linked to the amount of contact between different linguistic groups. People in the larger linguistic group are less likely to become bilingual. However, the contrary is true of small linguistic groups".

- taken from the Department of Canadian Heritage webpage , "Bilingualism in Canada".

In other words, francophone Quebecers are more likely to have the advantage of speaking both official languages, because they are more exposed to English than Anglophones are exposed to French in this area.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21, part 1 and 2 states: 1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. 2) Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.

Every time our federal government declares a public service position "bilingual Imperative" they automatically disallow 95% of English speaking people outside the province of Quebec from applying for the job. Many of these jobs are high profile heads of departments, agencies and crown corporations.

This is not equal access to public service.

1) only 2% of the population of Ottawa are unilingual French. The huge majority of the population in Ottawa is functionally literate in English, including most francophones, yet a hugely disproportionate percentage of jobs now require bilingualism.

2) 86% of all bilingual Canadians live in Quebec and adjacent parts of Ontario and New Brunswick.

3) 72% of all Francophone federal public servants are employed in bilingual positions.

4) Only 5% of all Francophone federal public servants are employed in "English Essential" positions.

5) In 1978, 48% of all National Capital Region (Ottawa-Hull region) public service positions were designated bilingual, at that time Anglophones represented 68% of all National Capital Region public servants. Today bilingual National Capital Region positions have increased to 63% and Anglophone representation has decreased to 59%. In New Brunswick, Canada's only officially bilingual province, Anglophone participation in federal departments has decreased from 84% in 1978 to 62% in 1999.

6) Francophones make up only 22.7% of Canada's population, yet occupy 41% of the National Capital Region public service positions.

Please sign this petition , and take a stand, before the only jobs available are low-paying for the unilingual speaker and official bilingualism becomes a glass ceiling for promotions which will eventually result in a national Anglo ghetto population. This is already happening to Anglophones in regions of Ottawa, New Brunswick, and of course, most of Quebec.

We guarantee that your privacy will be respected .

In order to sign the petition, you will have to provide an email address to the automatic petition host register. It will not be made public.

Please opt to share your e-mail address privately with the authors of this petition, so that we may contact you in future via email to help us mount a public and court challenge to this discrimination. Your email address will be held in the strictest confidence and will not be given to anyone else.

Thank you for participating! Also, please visit our web page at www.languagefairness.org

If you wish to donate to the language group, please do so directly through the CLF site at www.languagefairness.org

We demand equal rights as citizens of Canada.


The Undersigned

French people were founders of the Nation.
Si je peux parler français,qu'est-ce que je dois faire?Signer une pétition contre l'anglais?:blink:
The most ironic thing is that most francphones are fluently bilingual, but in so far as I know, rare are anglophones who can correctly speak French.
最初由 CFA 发布
Si je peux parler français,qu'est-ce que je dois faire?Signer une pétition contre l'anglais?:blink:
The most ironic thing is that most francphones are fluently bilingual, but in so far as I know, rare are anglophones who can correctly speak French.

Your comment is very ironic as well
最初由 CFA 发布
Si je peux parler français,qu'est-ce que je dois faire?Signer une pétition contre l'anglais?:blink:
The most ironic thing is that most francphones are fluently bilingual, but in so far as I know, rare are anglophones who can correctly speak French.

As far as I know, most of the chinese can speak english very well, but canadian
cannot speak madarin. So we deserve more job oppotunity than the natives.
chinese is not the official language