1. No idea/usually, you have a lot of options/It is so different. Usually, you select a package according to your own situation. For example, you might have 500 mins with a fixed amount of monthly charge. You have to pay the extra if your usuage is beyond this limit. I don't think you can get the info here in detail since even the sales rep have to update their understanding from time to time especially if there is a promotion. They change their plans so frequently and it is hard to keep track.
2. Yes. they were so hot last year. I believe this year the situation would be better with economic downturn.
As for the one-bedroom apartment, the price would be different with the location, transportation and utilities. It could be $650~$950. Nowaways, It is hard to find an apartment with price under $700. More often than not, it is within the range of $750~$850. The others might give you different info. Just take my quote as reference.
3. You can find this in the website
www.octranspo.com. The pass of Adult Regular is at the price of $59.50/month. You can buy Student Regular if you are registered as a full-time student with the price of $48.75.
Plus, if you elect to live in Hull, the price of the pass would be lower ($59 vs $43) though they are valid in Ottawa, too.
You can buy the Annual Student Regular at price of $478.00. Anyway, you have to make the decision yourself since you have holidays.