B book998 新手上路 注册 2003-12-08 消息 60 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-01-08 #1 这里的新东方怎么样呀? 在cu看到新东方打广告,关于机考toefl的。虽然这个新东方根本不是北京那个!但是他的教学水平怎样呢?我想机考toefl,上这个班有意义么?
丫 丫头她妈的小辫 新手上路 注册 2003-05-07 消息 30 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-01-08 #2 那是个骗子机构. 我和我的好几个同学都上过当. 等你交了钱上了课你就知道了. 不信你试试看.
G gdntfrank 知名会员 注册 2002-01-25 消息 2,742 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 146 2004-01-09 #3 I think there won't be big diference among the new oriental schools in diffrent location as long as they use the same material to teach. The major difference should be the students.
I think there won't be big diference among the new oriental schools in diffrent location as long as they use the same material to teach. The major difference should be the students.
F FINDINGROOM 新手上路 注册 2003-08-22 消息 47 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-03-11 #10 no body is stupid trust yourself their first class is free, you can try. I attended, I think it is good, I learn a lot. and the teachers are good.
no body is stupid trust yourself their first class is free, you can try. I attended, I think it is good, I learn a lot. and the teachers are good.
雨 雨中的阳光 [美女与野兽---*雨中的阳光*] VIP 注册 2003-06-25 消息 4,926 荣誉分数 177 声望点数 223 2004-03-16 #11 Re: no body is stupid 最初由 FINDINGROOM 发布 trust yourself their first class is free, you can try. I attended, I think it is good, I learn a lot. and the teachers are good. 点击展开... did u take TOEFL test? is it working in TOEFL test?
Re: no body is stupid 最初由 FINDINGROOM 发布 trust yourself their first class is free, you can try. I attended, I think it is good, I learn a lot. and the teachers are good. 点击展开... did u take TOEFL test? is it working in TOEFL test?
denny 知名会员 注册 2002-02-06 消息 1,135 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 146 2004-03-16 #14 事情没那么简单~~~~~ 只是希望CU的同学们能了解, 不要让他们得逞.
雨 雨中的阳光 [美女与野兽---*雨中的阳光*] VIP 注册 2003-06-25 消息 4,926 荣誉分数 177 声望点数 223 2004-03-16 #15 如果他教的东西真的对机考有用,那就是值得的! 请问楼上说他家是骗人的人们,你们上课后,有没有去考过机考? 为什么说他家是骗人的?