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<HTML>too bad, buddy, i won't be here in chrismas, otherwise i'll invite every lonely guy in town to drink beer.</HTML>

一个人刚离家的滋味。咱俩出100块酒钱给OU的学生会的PARTY (你们应该有PARTY吧),你50我50,
让RIVEN 和 JANE 帮咱转。你要是觉得可以就在这儿招呼一声。

<HTML>no problemo. i like the idea. when i was in college, my professors used to donate money for non-beijing students who stayed in school in new year. it's not much money, but it did warm people's hearts. let me know where i should send this check to.</HTML>
<HTML>Hey Riven and Jane,

Could you do us a favor and pass the money to OU's CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association, am I right?)?

I have no problem to catch you though I've never known your Chinese name(suprise, suprise...), but you may leave your contact address to Shrek.

If it bothers you too much (I know you must be very busy with the new born baby recently), just let us know. I'll try to find another way to make it.


<HTML>actually, i think there is an csa or something like that in ou, so we can try to find the chair there and send stuff to him/her directly. i'll try my connection and see if it works. get back to you later.</HTML>
<HTML>我们跟他们没有联系过, 我想你们最好亲自把钱交给他们。 这里有他们的网址: http://infoweb.magi.com/~chinese/cssa/

谢谢你的信任,等我忙过了这一阵一定跟各位聚一聚. :)


A hundred bucks is nothing, your credit is far more than that. Shrek, does your connection work? Why not just give it to丫头?

丫头, is your email address a real one?</HTML>
Re: what about Carleton U

<HTML>heheh... what about the chinese students in CU,</HTML>
Re: what about Carleton U

<HTML>good question. sorry for my mistake. no intention to marginalize cu or any other college in ottawa. i got an e-mail from cssa in uo and they are having a party on new year (or chrismas), so maybe they don't need money to do that. it's probably more meaningful to get the money to help the new students coming here (pick up the students, find temporary housing, stuff like that). when i just got in america, i was all alone and had a tough time. after i stayed there for a while, some of my friends and i carried out a "coup" and controlled the cssa there. we set up a program to pick up all the new students going to that city (with help from the church people), find a place to stay for one month, show them around. i am not sure if cssa in ou and cu are doing it or not. if not, we can get together and do it. cost some money and time, once a year, cssa in ou and cu get the roaster from the international advisors and contact the students, we setup a fund and devote money, car, time for a couple of days or so. just a thought.</HTML>
Re: what about Carleton U

<HTML>Don't think that works in YEAR 2002.

Looks like you are still living in five years ago.</HTML>
Re: what about Carleton U

<HTML>Come on Shrek, what do you mean "so maybe they don't need money to do that"? When I was a student and helped to orginise the Xmas(or new year) parties, we were always short of money. I can still remember how much we could get from the Embassy.

Of course, sometimes money is nothing. If you can invite some missing home chaps to your place for a beer or whatever, brillant, better than anything else I suppose. My first Xmas abroad was spent with some church people, an open house in Kent, I still feel appreciated after these years though I've never gone back to church again. But if you can't...

Your thought is great. Xue2 Zhong1 Song4 Tan4 is always better than Jin3 Shang4 Tian2 Hua1. But you can save your idea after the new year. New year is for fun!!!</HTML>
Re: what about Carleton U

