Riven Administrator 管理成员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 28,419 荣誉分数 5,417 声望点数 393 2004-01-20 #1 恭祝大家: 一帆风顺, 双龙戏珠; 三阳开泰, 四季发财; 五福临门, 六六大顺; 七星捧月, 八面春风; 九运当头, 十全十美; 百年好合, 千发之桃; 万事如意, 恭喜恭喜。
鸡蛋 新手上路 注册 2002-02-12 消息 1,278 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 0 2004-01-21 #6 HO HO HO! New Year Ho! New Year Ho! Riven Ho! Everybody HO! Egg cannot speak chinese, but my wish is still chinese Hope you all have a wonderful new year and let it be the best year of the monkey!
HO HO HO! New Year Ho! New Year Ho! Riven Ho! Everybody HO! Egg cannot speak chinese, but my wish is still chinese Hope you all have a wonderful new year and let it be the best year of the monkey!
Kuta Moderator 注册 2002-04-27 消息 9,380 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-01-21 #7 大家新年好~! 有钱的捧个钱场~捐点压岁钱给我 没钱的捧个人场~来说几句好听的:lookaroun
Anakin 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-07-26 消息 39,280 荣誉分数 7,068 声望点数 373 2004-01-22 #11 呵呵...一人给发个红包...(>CFC$1000)