Help! who has opened the ING Direct Investment Savings Account?

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 moose
  • 开始时间 开始时间


I got a letter of promotion from the ING Direct. The interest rate is very high comparing with other Bank Rate: 2.5% (no fees, no service charges, no minimum balance, no tiered rates, easy access to your money 24 hours a day)
Has anyone has opened such kind of saving account? Since they do not have any branches, just regist on line or by phone, I am warrying about the security.
I have been using ING for 6 years, It is safe.
I have used it for more than one year. It is good!
so the interest rate:2.5% for canadian dollar is true, right? thanks!
最初由 moose 发布
so the interest rate:2.5% for canadian dollar is true, right? thanks!

It's true. Actually it was 2.75% most time last year. It's lower because the Bank of Canada cut interest rate.
最初由 周生生 发布
如何申请开帐号呢?, you can download an application form. If you have a friend refer you, you both can earn $13 deposited to your accounts.
ING is a very big bank based in Europe. I also have an account with them. The service is good.
如何在ING和自己的银行之间做transaction? 是否有费用?从transaction 到钱到帐之间要多久?
最初由 周生生 发布
如何在ING和自己的银行之间做transaction? 是否有费用?从transaction 到钱到帐之间要多久?
最初由 周生生 发布
如何在ING和自己的银行之间做transaction? 是否有费用?从transaction 到钱到帐之间要多久?
The easy way is to call ING and set up your bank account under your ING account to do internet banking, it will take about 2 business days to transfer the money from your bank account to ING and vice versa. Otherwise, you can write a cheque to yourself and send it to ING. There's no fee from ING, but this will count as a transaction from your bank's view.
最初由 moose 发布
I got a letter of promotion from the ING Direct. The interest rate is very high comparing with other Bank Rate: 2.5% (no fees, no service charges, no minimum balance, no tiered rates, easy access to your money 24 hours a day)
Has anyone has opened such kind of saving account? Since they do not have any branches, just regist on line or by phone, I am warrying about the security.

如果你有房子,PAY OFF你的MORTAGE比存银行要实惠得多。要不我给你2.6%的利息存我这里吧:blink: