Speak Chinese, English and French


If your kids can master those three languages
what wonderfull it is!!!

What is your opinion to let your kids go to
french merge school? even though you speak chinese only
at home and did not know any French.

How many percentage that you think your kids will success?

Speak French in school, speak Chinese at home, speak English at the rest. This is OK. However, if your kid
can't talk about the events of the school at home,
can't talk about the events of home at school,
can't talk about the events of other both at school and home,
and so on, so on ...
It doesn't matter how many language you know。
Only those you can "MASTER" matters.

None of the Canadian Born Chinese I see here can really master Chinese.
Most of them can not even speak fluent Chinese.
When I asked my CBC cousin to tell me what he wants for dinner in Chinese,
he told me "我想法国油炸,和我想肉肉”
What he really mean is he want some French fry and some meat.
Wowl, how wonderful is that.....

And, when he was doing a school project in which he was asked to
give a History background of his origin.
Here is what he found and handed in:
1950: Chinese communists invaded Tibet
1951: Chinese communists invaded korean aganist UN forces
1966-1977:Culture revalution
1989: Tiananmen square
That's everything that he handed in and he got an A on his project.
Think I am joking. No!This really really happens.
and what his parents did is just looked at the A on the report and say "oh! Good, Good”and then went to Walmart and bought him a new toy.

So if you really want your kids to be "Wonderfull" as you described,
send him to french merge school as you wish, but don't forget to send
him/her back to China for a couple years, to learn some real chinese and
to know what a real China is and let him/her know where their roots are.
I think French is difficult to kids,if their parents don't know French and can't help their kids in learning French. right?
最初由 tuotuo 发布
I think French is difficult to kids,if their parents don't know French and can't help their kids in learning French. right?

I don't think it really matters. For a kid, every language is new. Of course he will learn faster if the parents can help him. But don't forget he probably will practice more in school with his teachers and other kids.
最初由 tuotuo 发布
I think French is difficult to kids,if their parents don't know French and can't help their kids in learning French. right?
其实大多数中国人学英语的时候父母都不可能提供什么帮助。而且我看到这里的中国父母跟孩子说那些‘半瓶子咣荡’的英语真的是说不清楚是帮忙还是帮倒忙,孩子稍大一点就会很不耐烦的纠正老爸老妈了…:blink: 父母会些法语,真的能帮孩子学好法语吗?----我看这个任务还是交给学校更合适。而且我也不建议父母跟孩子在家说英语或者法语----除非是为了跟孩子学。:rolleyes:
最初由 丫丫 发布

其实大多数中国人学英语的时候父母都不可能提供什么帮助。而且我看到这里的中国父母跟孩子说那些‘半瓶子咣荡’的英语真的是说不清楚是帮忙还是帮倒忙,孩子稍大一点就会很不耐烦的纠正老爸老妈了…:blink: 父母会些法语,真的能帮孩子学好法语吗?----我看这个任务还是交给学校更合适。而且我也不建议父母跟孩子在家说英语或者法语----除非是为了跟孩子学。:rolleyes:

You are absolutely right!