最初由 rogersonline 发布
此股要跌破$0.8, 大家千万小心了!!
How come? Any news?
It really rebound today. But volumn is not so good.
do not touch unless it $0.1/sh
最初由 rogersonline 发布
此股要跌破$0.8, 大家千万小心了!!

新闻发布 来源: 中国缆绳和通信, 公司。

中国缆绳& 通信标志意向书获取澳门媒介藏品& 辅助者
星期二上午8:31 3月2 日, 东部时间

北京, Communication 3月2 日/PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- 中国Cable 和, Inc. (OTC 海报栏: CCCI - 新闻), 带领中国根据了有线电视公司, 今天宣布它加入意向书获取澳门媒介有限公司藏品(MMH) 在股票和现金交易被重视在近似地US$15 百万, 根据CCCI ' s 当前的股票价格。这种交易的完成是须经适当努力和对MMH 更新的中国政府批准' s 着陆权执照。

私下被拿着的MMH 举行2 出于28 个着陆权执照被授予在2003 年为直接卫星广播入中国旅馆和Expat 复合体发布了由SARFT (中国状态执行为收音机、影片, 和电视); 并且MMH 申请更新它的执照在2004 年。MMH 估计, 网络有大约150 百万个潜在的观察者在中国。为比较目的, 公司注意这会是大约44% 整个美国人口。

作为交易一部分, 中国缆绳和通信还会获取MMH 的二个辅助者, 中国五星媒介(澳门) Co. 有限公司(FSTV) -- 汽车和技术海峡和电视Viagens (澳门) SARL -- 旅行频道。MMH 并且举行16.7% 兴趣在卫星地面电台上在澳门-- 波斯菊Televisao por Satelite (SARL), 为八种渠道当前提供对空通讯服务。

Gareth 特性, 中国缆绳和通信的总统, 认为, "澳门媒介藏品的承购会是一个主要进步在我们的战略多样化和扩展我们的收支基地。它会提供极端对潜在的观众的可贵的通入相等到大约44% 整个美国人口。"

Tang 先生继续了, "由于重大人力并且将必需为MMH 的事务扩展的资金来源, 被结合与什么我们认为是极大的收支潜力, 我们并且做出决定中断我们的早先宣布的讨论与承购50% 相关北京Haidian 有线电视网络信息Co. 有限公司和我们的早先宣布的讨论以北京SINA 互联网信息服务Co. 关于提供基于互联网交互式多媒体编程。我们的委员会和管理队相信这个焦点对CCCI's 成功和能力是根本的创造增加的价值为我们的股东。"

位于在中国东南沿海在广东省, 澳门是40 英哩在香港西边和90 英哩广州南部, 广东省的首都。疆土包括一个半岛并且二个海岛和总面积是9.8 平方英哩。


中国Cable 和Communication, Inc. 是一个基于中国的有线电视公司。通过它的英属维尔京群岛辅助者, 公司是第一外国公司对自己和操作一个有线电视网络在中国。

位于85 英哩北京南部, 网络为外面区域当前提供39 种渠道在保定市区范围内和八种另外的渠道在保定市区。它传送在模式和数字式在它的光纤网络和通过22 个分站。以它的光纤网络, 保定网络是能传送37 个模式电视节目、六个数字信号和一个FM 音乐节目。除它的有线电视传送业务之外, 保定网络提供互联网通入和增值服务, 譬如宽频互联网通入和在要求时的服务通过我们私有的设置上面箱子。

中国缆绳和通信很好被安置作为外国投资者被收音机、影片和电视("SARFT"), 中国的全国管理当局的状态执行批准为广播产业, 对自己的兴趣和提供操作的管理支持对有线电视网络在中华人民共和国(中华人民共和国) 。SARFT 认同与CCCI's 普通股一起贸易在美国, 提供CCCI 以有利好处在对外资的通入。中国Cable 和Communication, Inc. 换在美国, 在断续装置标志CCCI 之下, 为了提供美国投资者以机会在公司中投资那自己的兴趣在中华人民共和国有线电视网络。对于更多信息, 请参观
Very bad translation. Please see orignal statement below.

China Cable & Communication Signs Letter of Intent to Acquire Macau Media Holdings & Subsidiaries
Tuesday March 2, 8:31 am ET
Acquisition Would Add Important Broadcast and Distribution Rights in Both Cable and Satellite TV Networks in China

BEIJING, March 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- China Cable and Communication, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: CCCI - News), a leading China-based cable TV company, today announced it has entered into a letter of intent to acquire Macau Media Holdings Ltd. (MMH) in a stock and cash transaction valued at approximately US$15 million, based on CCCI 's current stock price. Completion of this transaction is subject to due diligence and Chinese government approval for the renewal of MMH 's landing rights licenses.

Privately held MMH holds 2 out of the 28 landing rights licenses granted for 2003 for direct satellite broadcast into Chinese hotels and Expat complexes issued by SARFT (China States Administration for Radio, Film, and Television); and MMH has applied to renew its licenses for 2004. MMH estimates that the network has approximately 150 million potential viewers in China. For comparison purposes, the Company notes this would be approximately 44% of the entire U.S. population.

As part of the transaction, China Cable and Communication also would acquire MMH's two subsidiaries, China Five Star Media (Macau) Co. Ltd. (FSTV) -- the Automotive and Technology Channel and TV Viagens (Macau) SARL -- the Travel Channel. MMH also holds a 16.7% interest in a satellite earth station in Macau -- Cosmos Televisao por Satelite (SARL), which currently provides uplink services for eight channels.

Gareth Tang, President of China Cable and Communication, said, "The acquisition of Macau Media Holdings would be a major step forward in our strategy to diversify and broaden our revenue base. It would provide extremely valuable access to a potential audience equal to approximately 44% of the entire U.S. population."

Mr. Tang continued, "Because of the significant manpower and financial resources that will be required for the expansion of MMH's business, coupled with what we believe to be enormous revenue potential, we also have made the decision to discontinue our previously announced discussions relating to the acquisition of 50% of the Beijing Haidian Cable Television Network Information Co. Ltd. and our previously announced discussions with Beijing SINA Internet Information Service Co. concerning providing web-based interactive multi-media programming. Our Board and management team believe this focus is essential to CCCI's success and ability to create increased value for our shareholders."

Situated on the Southeastern coast of China in the Guangdong Province, Macau is 40 miles west of Hong Kong and 90 miles south of Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province. The territory comprises a peninsula and two islands and the total area is 9.8 square miles.

About China Cable and Communication

China Cable and Communication, Inc. is a China-based cable TV company. Through its British Virgin Island subsidiary, the Company is the first foreign company to own and operate a cable television network in China.

Located 85 miles south of Beijing, the network currently offers 39 channels within the Baoding city limits and eight additional channels to outer areas in the Baoding metropolitan area. It transmits in both analog and digital over its fiber optic network and through 22 substations. With its fiber optic network, Baoding network is capable of transmitting 37 analog television programs, six digital signals and one FM music program. In addition to its cable television transmission services, Baoding network offers Internet access and value added services, such as broadband Internet access and on-demand services through our proprietary set-top boxes.

China Cable and Communication is well positioned as a foreign investor approved by The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television ("SARFT"), China's national regulatory authority for the broadcasting industry, to own interests in and provide operational management support to cable television networks in the People's Republic of China (PRC). The SARFT approval together with the trading of CCCI's common stock in the US, provide CCCI with a favorable advantage in access to foreign capital. China Cable and Communication, Inc. trades in the United States, under the ticker symbol CCCI, in order to provide U.S. investors with the opportunity to invest in a company that own interests in a PRC cable television network. For more information, please visit .