Thank you for the party

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<HTML>Hi everyone,

Thank you for the party. It was very nice to meet all of you. My specialy thank goes to the party organizer (party animal) - Riven, Jane, and some other unnamed heros who donate their time to make this happen.

Last but not least, I wish all of you have a happy & safe holiday. Merry Christmas!!!</HTML>
<HTML>good man!merry christmas!</HTML>
多谢REVIN,JANE等朋友组织了这次聚会, 虽然来晚了, 没有见到更多的朋友, 但不管怎样,我还是很高兴认识了一些新的朋友, 有些是在网上久闻其名的.

REVIN: 祝网站继续红火

XIAOMAGE: 你的圣诞老人的帽子, 明年还戴吗?

RABBIT: 祝你回北京一路平安! 一定回去后要"爆撮"几顿, 不然对不起机票.

SEAN: 你的相机不错, 够专业, 以后再聊.

LUCY: 祝圣诞节在US玩的愉快!

SHERRY: 祝你的OU同学会明年人财两旺! 有活动别忘了叫我!

丫头: 你的馄饨太好吃了, 虽然目前还没有吃到嘴里. 代我问KUTA好.

MICHEL: 祝你在OTTAWA的新生活过的习惯 ! 必须承认,你的太太是我在OTTAWA所见过的最美的中国 LADY, 若要选美的话, 第一非她莫属. 因为美的就是美的! LUCK MAN, 下次不要不敢来聚会啊 !

祝大家圣诞快乐, 新年好 !</HTML>

<HTML>thanks to the warm-harted people!</HTML>

It seems Boy from Beijing decide to start a new life after the party.

<HTML>Looks like you have got impression from three ladies:

1. 丫头: because of 丫头's 馄饨;

2. Kuta: for whatever reason.

3. Michel's wife: Most beatiful lady in Ottawa!

Haha..... Laugh off. Good luck, boy. No more comment! :)</HTML>


小兔蜡笔后面的除了Michel外可全是LADY哦 :crazy: :crazy: :hapfac: :love: :arc:</HTML>
Re: It seems Boy from Beijing decide to start a new life after the party.


你干吗只看到这3个理由呢. 我可是写了不止3句话啊! 不管怎样, 人总的活着. 对吧?


Re: It seems Boy from Beijing decide to start a new life after the party.

<HTML>Was in the party, only knew 丫头 and even I don't think 丫头 knew me. Who was Kuka? Who was Michel's wife? could someone give me some clue?</HTML>
美孤, 你得加点劲吧? 你使劲盯着有主名花, 也不是个办法。

<HTML>这次活动的缺点就是没开发出无主名花。不得不让英雄扼腕, 无用武之地。

Anyways, better than nothing. 美孤,you are better off than a few days ago and decide to present a new face in front of netters. I am looking forward to see a boy be positive rather than criticizing all the time on the forum.

Hope you can settle down some gals during the long holiday. Not only does boy feel lonely but girls as well.

Again, merry Xmas and Happy New Ya!</HTML>
Re: 美孤, 你得加点劲吧? 你使劲盯着有主名花, 也不是个办法。

<HTML>看来春妮儿要给我介绍个妹妹了 ? 有这想法吗 ?</HTML>
