[ZT]其貌不扬 却一夜成名的“美国偶像”威廉姆.黄



最近有个CHINESE通过美国著名的“AMERICAN IDOL”出名了,他的名字叫“威廉姆.黄”。

















歌迷们为William Hung建立的网站
(ZT)He's a loser, baby
But William Hung, ‘American Idol’ reject, found fame anyway

William Hung's infamous audition earned no points from the judges, but plenty from fans.
By Jesamyn Go
Updated: 9:15 a.m. ET Feb. 20, 2004The "American Idol" contestants are yet to be whittled down to the final 12, but one contestant already got a record offer ― and he didn’t even make it past the first cut.


William Hung’s try-out, a spirited, if tuneless, rendition of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs,” was icily received by the show's three-judge panel.

After suffering through Hung's 90-second tryout, during which he shouted the song's chorus and failed miserably at imitating Ricky Martin’s gyrations,Hung was interrupted by famously acerbic judge Simon Cowell. “You can’t sing, you can’t dance, so what do you want me to say?” asked Cowell.

“I already gave my best, and I have no regrets at all,” Hung replied. His hilarious effort ― as well as his earnest response ― quickly gained him fans. Although he was bounced from the show, the 21-year-old now has a cult following.

Inadvertent cult hero gets 15 minutes
Soon after his tryout aired on Jan. 27, Hung received about 150 e-mails from resourceful fans who looked him up in a student directory at UC Berkeley, where he is a civil engineering student. The first and most comprehensive of many Web sites spotlighting him, William Hung.net, sprang up and received 4 million hits in the first week.

Video files of his performance were uploaded and forwarded all over the Internet, making William the latest in a line of Web cult heroes, not unlike the “Star Wars Kid,” the Quebec teenager who filmed himself twirling a golf ball retriever like a light saber.

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He's funny! I get a kick out of his awful audition.

He' s horrible! Why is he getting all this attention?

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Soon, audio mixes of Hung's singingwas arranged to OutKast’s “Hey Ya!” and Howard Dean’s infamous “I have a scream” speech. They’re played all over the Internet and even have garnered play on some California radio stations.

Then came the apex of idolatry: Two weeks ago, Hung was spoofed on Saturday Night Live by Jimmy Fallon.

Now, Hung is basking in his goofy international fame: Enter “William Hung” on eBay and you’ll get over 50 different items that bear Hung's image, from caps and notebooks to T-shirts ― and people are bidding. His fan base stretches all the way to Asia, where he was invited to perform at the MTV Asia Awards. Don Chin, manager of William Hung.net says his site, which isn't associated with Hung, gets plenty of fan mail and even love letters meant for the singer. The Web site even has a special section called “Marry Me, Will!”

'American Idol': Who won this week?

Hung is now keeping busy on the talk-show circuit. Entertainment Tonight took him to LA's Fantasy Studios for voice lessons with Eric Veto, voice-coach to stars like the GooGoo Dolls.

On the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Hung had the chance to perform four songs, adding Martin’s “Shake Your Bon Bon” and Enrique Iglesias’ “Bailamos” to his repertoire. DeGeneres even joined him on a duet of Elton John’s “Rocket Man,” helping out when Hung appeared unsure of the lyrics.

Fox is capitalizing on Hung’s popularity as well. Producers announced a special American Idol show “Uncut, Uncensored and Untalented,” scheduled to air March 1, and is using footage of Hung's now-infamous audition to promote the episode.

Ovewhelmed with attention
On Wednesday, Hung performed at UC Berkeley’s men’s volleyball game, where he received a $25,000 check from the Fuse music channel and a record offer from Koch Entertainment. If he accepts, Hung will be in good company, the Koch Entertainment stable of talent includes Ringo Starr, Montell Jordan, and the Bangles. The deal reportedly includes a music video that will air on Fuse.

‘That is fantastic to me because not everybody in this life can be a winner. To celebrate a loser is fantastic!’

― Nigel Lythgoe
‘American Idol’ executive producer

What is it about Hung that has caught America’s eye? When asked this by MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, Hung said he thought people responded to his “attitude and charisma,” regardless of the quality of his performance.

Fan site manager Chin thinks it’s Hung's personality that people respond to. “He’s just very real," Chin said. "He doesn’t care whether he’s fashionable or not. He has a really good time performing, and he really gives it his all, just for the love of it. I think his joy is really infectious.”

Nigel Lythgoe, executive producer of “American Idol,” told Entertainment Tonight that it was great to see the nation embracing a loser. “That is fantastic to me because not everybody in this life can be a winner,” Lythgoe said. “To celebrate a loser is fantastic!”

But some say Hung is walking a fine line between entertainment and mockery.

“About one percent of the e-mails I get are concerned that people are making fun of William,” said Chin. “But I think he’s happy with who he is, and he likes making people happy with his performance. It’s just such a breath of fresh air how his video clip just makes people smile ―young or old.”

For now, Hung is overwhelmed by the attention. School is still his priority, and he has enlisted his father’s help in managing all the media appearances.

Music is still his long-term goal, though. During the audition, Hung said that although his civil engineering studies are “totally not related to music,” he someday aspires to make his living through the craft.

To that end, Hung is taking singing lessons and has joined a university choir. He’s also reading Cowell’s book about becoming a pop star, “I Don’t Mean to Be Rude, But…”

Although his audition has led to all this attention, Hung still would have traded it all for a chance to have advanced through the American Idol finals.

“If I did get to the final and actually get to [perform] to the audience, to America, I think it would probably be more, not less, in terms of fame,” he told MSNBC.

He may get his chance yet ― petitions to bring Hung back as a wild card contestant are now at over 70,000 signatures.

Jesamyn Go is an associate Web producer for MSNBC-TV.
看了那期的AMERICAN IDOL里他的表演,真的很好笑。
“I already gave my best, and I have no regrets at all”


(ZT)美国是个多元化的社会,什么难以想象的事情都有.有比尔盖茨的神话,也有许多无聊的炒作. 美国偶像”威廉姆.黄则属于后者.

是的,就是彻底的炒作.听说有无数人支持他,但我们看看这些支持者支持威廉姆.黄的理由是什么?仅仅是在他拙劣滑稽的表演后,在回答评判的问题时,认真地说了一句:“我已经尽了全力,我没有什么后悔的。” 就是这么一句话,被支持者捧为:真诚、真切、真挚的表白!就是这样打动了美国观众?!

我相信威廉姆.黄确实没有说慌,他确实尽了力.然而,就因为他这么一句话,观众就把他捧上天,简直是不可思议,荒唐极了.中国有句话:台上一分钟,台下十年功.为了能在舞台上的精彩演出,无数的表演工作者流了多少汗水,付出了多少努力,才得到观众的肯定.即使是“AMERICAN IDOL”这样的挑选人才的节目,认真的参赛者相信也在平时花了大量的时间精力去排练,最后的胜利不知是用多少努力换来的. 威廉姆.黄以其拙劣滑稽的表演,可以说是对比赛,其他参赛者和广大观众的不尊重.他说是尽了力,但看了他的表演,任何人都可以肯定:第一,他完全没有天分,第二,他比赛前根本就没有好好练习.两者必有其一.





为什么威廉姆.黄就说了一句那么普通的话,无数人就为他喝彩.除了是支持者的肤浅外,最主要原因是,在现在慌话连篇,丑闻百出,炒作攀比的演艺圈里,连一句普通的老实话都难得听到了.听多了谎话,大话,性炒作的观众,突然听到这么一句,感动得仿佛救世主出现了.毕竟,比起有些作假的明星, 威廉姆.黄算是最诚实的了.

诚然,现在是多元化的社会,我们可以接受威廉姆.黄的出现,但绝对不值得喝彩. 威廉姆.黄事件只是一出闹剧,反映了许多人的肤浅和演艺圈的浮躁.
最初由 六哥 发布

(ZT)美国是个多元化的社会,什么难以想象的事情都有.有比尔盖茨的神话,也有许多无聊的炒作. 美国偶像”威廉姆.黄则属于后者.

是的,就是彻底的炒作.听说有无数人支持他,但我们看看这些支持者支持威廉姆.黄的理由是什么?仅仅是在他拙劣滑稽的表演后,在回答评判的问题时,认真地说了一句:“我已经尽了全力,我没有什么后悔的。” 就是这么一句话,被支持者捧为:真诚、真切、真挚的表白!就是这样打动了美国观众?!

我相信威廉姆.黄确实没有说慌,他确实尽了力.然而,就因为他这么一句话,观众就把他捧上天,简直是不可思议,荒唐极了.中国有句话:台上一分钟,台下十年功.为了能在舞台上的精彩演出,无数的表演工作者流了多少汗水,付出了多少努力,才得到观众的肯定.即使是“AMERICAN IDOL”这样的挑选人才的节目,认真的参赛者相信也在平时花了大量的时间精力去排练,最后的胜利不知是用多少努力换来的. 威廉姆.黄以其拙劣滑稽的表演,可以说是对比赛,其他参赛者和广大观众的不尊重.他说是尽了力,但看了他的表演,任何人都可以肯定:第一,他完全没有天分,第二,他比赛前根本就没有好好练习.两者必有其一.





为什么威廉姆.黄就说了一句那么普通的话,无数人就为他喝彩.除了是支持者的肤浅外,最主要原因是,在现在慌话连篇,丑闻百出,炒作攀比的演艺圈里,连一句普通的老实话都难得听到了.听多了谎话,大话,性炒作的观众,突然听到这么一句,感动得仿佛救世主出现了.毕竟,比起有些作假的明星, 威廉姆.黄算是最诚实的了.

诚然,现在是多元化的社会,我们可以接受威廉姆.黄的出现,但绝对不值得喝彩. 威廉姆.黄事件只是一出闹剧,反映了许多人的肤浅和演艺圈的浮躁.
最初由 六哥 发布

