

买了MINTO的房,今天一早通知两日内去做STRUCTURAL选择.有48项之多.我在此努力TYPING出来 ,望热心人提供建议.


1. 200 amp service
2. brick (full/half)
3. solider and sill course to accent colour (option available through Sales Office)
4. solider and/or sill course to precast stone
5. citadel stone (architectural approval)
6. increase basement foundation wall height (max. 1 foot)
7. 16 foot double garage door to 2 single doors (lot restrictions)
8. 2 single garage doors to 1 double 16 foot door (lot restrictions)
9. insulated garage doors
10. cold storage
11. retreat(when not added to sale)
12. sunroom(when not added to sale)
13. subfloor changes
14. floor joist changes
15. cathedral ceilings
16. coffered ceilings
17. vaulted ceilings
18. vinyl window jamb extensions
19. low E coated, argon gas filled windows
20. glass block windows(basement/sidelights)
21. transom windows
22. move basement windows(lot restrictions)
23. add basement windows(lot restrictions)
24. enlarge basement windows(lot restrictions)
25. other window changes (lot restrictions)
26. extra operable windows
27. frosted glass windows
28. add/delete window grilles
29. window hardware(folding)
30. wood-burning fireplace(HRV, Co2 detector, flush ceramic hearth)
31. shingles, 25 year, renaissance, felt paper
32. finished basement
33. regular basement staircase to be circular
34. open staircase to basement(regular/circular)
35. oak/maple staircases(main or basement)
36. stringer finish
37. terrace doors(door swings in)
38. garage side door(lot restrictions)
39. laundry side door(lot restrictions)
40. front door decorative inserts
41. decorative sidelight insert
42. exterior columns(wood to aluminium clad)
43. exterior column style (round, taper, square)
44. porch railings
45. heated flooring systems
46. 2 or 3-piece bathroom rough-in
47. relocate laundry tub - to/room basement
48. relocate washer/dryer - to/from basement
I think (not professional opinion):

#2 full brick for the front side looks better (to me at least, that depends on your personal taste).

#6 is very important if your future home is located in a wetland area or if you plan to live there for a long time.

#23 is good if you want to change the basement to another bedroom in the future since by legislation, there is a minimum requirement for a bedroom window. Otherwise, as long as you think it is bright enough, don't bother to spend money here. Same is true for #32, depends on your pesonal nees and how big your home is.

#46 is always good to have.

Congrautualtions a new home owner!

:) :) :)
敲了一大段,没更多建意吗. 明天要去了.请大家高参.谢了!
最初由 wuming_ott 发布
买了MINTO的房,今天一早通知两日内去做STRUCTURAL选择.有48项之多.我在此努力TYPING出来 ,望热心人提供建议.


1. 200 amp service ,是200安,不是200伏?----如果有在另一层装电炉灶的需求,比如地下室可能要加个厨房,另加个200伏的插座出来是必要的。
2. brick (full/half) 这看个人喜好了,很花银子啊。
3. solider and sill course to accent colour (option available through Sales Office) 同上
4. solider and/or sill course to precast stone 同上
5. citadel stone (architectural approval) 同上
6. increase basement foundation wall height (max. 1 foot)如果你家有俺家这样的恶恨低房顶的大个子,恐怕很有必要。---当然是地下室装修选择吊顶为前提的。
7. 16 foot double garage door to 2 single doors (lot restrictions) 个人喜好
8. 2 single garage doors to 1 double 16 foot door (lot restrictions) 个人喜好
9. insulated garage doors 有必要吗?
10. cold storage 如果喜好动手,可以自己做
11. retreat(when not added to sale) 看银子多少了
12. sunroom(when not added to sale) 同上
13. subfloor changes 这还能变?
14. floor joist changes 这个也可以变?
15. cathedral ceilings 银子啊银子,不过俺喜欢
16. coffered ceilings 同上
17. vaulted ceilings 同上
18. vinyl window jamb extensions 这个不明白
19. low E coated, argon gas filled windows 这个吗,不知道能有多大不同,性能价格比如何
20. glass block windows(basement/sidelights)银子啊银子
21. transom windows 不明白
22. move basement windows(lot restrictions) 看房型和个人对地下室的规划如何----很多人买房子的时候没有概念,住进去了后悔,哎…所以难说
23. add basement windows(lot restrictions) 同上
24. enlarge basement windows(lot restrictions) 同上
25. other window changes (lot restrictions) 同上
26. extra operable windows 同上
27. frosted glass windows 也许卫生间有窗户朝邻居的有必要?不过这个自己以后可以喷上涂层,或者加帘子解决
28. add/delete window grilles 个人喜好,
29. window hardware(folding) 银子啊银子
30. wood-burning fireplace(HRV, Co2 detector, flush ceramic hearth) 吼吼,俺是坚定了下个房子要烧木壁炉的!银子啊银子。
31. shingles, 25 year, renaissance, felt paper 没必要吧?
32. finished basement 银子啊银子~!
33. regular basement staircase to be circular 看结构和规划
34. open staircase to basement(regular/circular) 同上
35. oak/maple staircases(main or basement) 个人喜好
36. stringer finish 同上
37. terrace doors(door swings in) 同上
38. garage side door(lot restrictions) Minto的房子,很少人有这个条件了----lot 挨太近了
39. laundry side door(lot restrictions) 看在哪儿了
40. front door decorative inserts 这个自己去买了喜欢的就能换
41. decorative sidelight insert 这个看个人喜好和本来式样了
42. exterior columns(wood to aluminium clad) 同上
43. exterior column style (round, taper, square) 同上
44. porch railings 同上
45. heated flooring systems 不用吧?
46. 2 or 3-piece bathroom rough-in 说的恐怕是地下室,如果准备以后自己做地下室,还是很有必要的。
47. relocate laundry tub - to/room basement 嗯,基本都是在地下室了
48. relocate washer/dryer - to/from basement 这个看房型,也要参考这两天大家讨论洗衣机偏震问题的帖子----当然只是参考。

以上只是本人的一点小小看法,不代表任何权威观点,请自己斟酌。如被误导,责任自负:evil: :crazy:

抽时间多看看别人的房子,再做决定。如果是你第一栋房子,这可是个即欣喜--建个自己的dream house, 又头痛的时候----一下子很难想明白这么多选择,一定要挺住啊,都选完了再晕倒,哈哈,祝你们好运:D :cool:
太感谢丫丫的耐心回复了,现在心里终于有些底了.第一次买房,一下子面临这么多选择确实有些招架不住了,好在总能在这个坛子得到各位的帮助,而且从以前的贴子学到很多东西,坚定了支持下去的决心:cool: 一度后悔买新房,觉得有时候没选择可能反而是件好事;)