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<HTML>我们来加拿大仅9个月。有感于加拿大的幼儿园及底年级教育过于轻松。我想把孩子(现5岁,持中国护照+移民纸)送回国一段时间。现在回国正好赶上我能在家过春节。但不知需办理什么手续 ?最快什么时候能办好?孩子到国内以后,除上户口以外,还有什么需办的事项?等1-2年后,如何再接孩子出来?
to guest

<HTML>guest, thank you very much.
Re: to guest

<HTML>It is illegal if you still receive Child Benefit while your child is outside Canada. But there are many people doing this way.
:ID2: :bye:</HTML>

Re: to guest

<HTML>That's why we Chinese do not have a good image here.</HTML>
Re: to guest

<HTML>So, do not talk about discrimination everyday any more, just see and find what bad habits we Chinese have, what bad habits we well-educated Chinese have brought to Canada??
Just like some thief who come to steal something from your house in your hometown in China, do you really welcome them?</HTML>
Re: to guest


I agree with you on this point.</HTML>
Re: yangste

<HTML>>That's why we Chinese do not have a good image here.





to all

<HTML>hi, all guys.
I did not figure out my questions would arouse the topic of chinese images ,while my purpose is just to inquire sth about the child benefit and how to send baby home. Who can give me the answer to the point?
By the way, I agree with 狂2 that we chinese immigrants give very good impression to others, hard-working, thrifty.
I know it is not right to ask for child benefit when the baby is not here, but I think most parents will do just like me when they face the same situation. It is fact that the sum of money can support us enough. Jane, will you tell the truth to the government?</HTML>
Re: to all

<HTML>阿O, 只管去做你的,充分的利用游戏规则。我也在考虑送小孩子回国呢。</HTML>
Re: to 狂2

<HTML>what i hear is differ from yours.
Yes. I do hear someone said what u said here. But I also heard/saw chinese are doing bad things and caused some kind of problems to those who came later.
Here is one of them
When you apply for a phone line from bell, some of you will be asked to deposit about 200$ (in ottawa, all chinese are asked to do so in halifax and it only applies to chinese).
we have to admit that there are some bad guys around who ruined our reputation although they are minor in number.</HTML>
Re: to 狂2

Re: to 狂2

<HTML>我记得在给小孩申请的时候,填表里有一个问题,问的是小孩现在是在国内还是国外居住。并注明在国外居住的原因。我问了医院的人,他们说,即使小孩在国外,只要政府认为原因合理,一样发给牛奶金的。我想,很多时候经济是一个比较大的原因,这也正是牛奶金发放的主要原因。既然全球追税,那么全球发放牛奶金也是应该的了。何况我们的孩子们无论在哪里居住,都是加拿大人,不是么? :) ;)</HTML>
Re: to all

<HTML>I agree with A and guest very well. And guest, I have read some of your opinions in other topics and I think I have a lot of common sense with you. Though there are a lot of guests, I can recognize you. By the way, can you just use a unique nickname?

We came to Canada not for only one year or three years, we plan to live here for a long period or the rest of our lives. Our Chinese reputation have been ruined very much by some of our Chinese immigrants, it is not only very bad for us and new coming Chinese, but also very bad for the children. We can not be too near-sighted.

I come to Canada just because here is a society by law. Just because of the laws, we do not have to be scared of power or money. So I think we are all responsible for following the laws here.</HTML>
Re: to all

<HTML>actually it is quite easy for canada government to legistate sth. about this stuff. Since it is not proposed, it is not as serious as you guys think about it. just call ourselves people, not chinese people, there is no difference between us and people from other culture. It is ridiculous to complain people who did sth. wrong, what you need to do is figuring out a method and giving this suggestion to the government, right? it is more constructive.</HTML>