最初由 yuw 发布 I bought one yesterday. But it doesn't work. The LED panel just display 4 dashes and It doesn't display time whatever I did. (I tried to unplug the power cable , wait 15 seconds and plug the cable in).
Any one has an idea about the problem?
I made a call to Rogers and the representative just opened an ticket for it and someone may come to my hourse in 48 hours.
最初由 yuw 发布 I bought one yesterday. But it doesn't work. The LED panel just display 4 dashes and It doesn't display time whatever I did. (I tried to unplug the power cable , wait 15 seconds and plug the cable in).
Any one has an idea about the problem?
I made a call to Rogers and the representative just opened an ticket for it and someone may come to my hourse in 48 hours.