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<HTML>本人32,男, 从来未婚. 现在OU 读master. 诚征女友, 最好可共渡这个寂寞的新年. 我们可以去滑冰, 打球, 看电影或出游. 本人身高180, 体重66公斤. 擅长运动. 自认为有一定才华和极强的责任心. 单身女士们, 如果不打算独身的话, 不妨和我认识一下, 就算彼此不合适也可交个普通朋友嘛. 说实在的, 要不是女友太难找, 我也不会选择这种方式. 各位见笑了.</HTML>
<HTML>32 years old, still studying master. Do you think you can find a gf? First, go to make money, then you can think to look for gf.</HTML>
<HTML>I do sympathize with you.
Looking for GF here is a little same as looking for a job right now.
Good luck</HTML>
TO '过客'

<HTML>我也来凑凑热闹, '众人拾柴火焰高'嘛! 本人185cm, 80公斤,现正在读书, ........(真实内容)

怕'过客' 一个人在这儿晾着, 怪可怜的,当片绿叶衬托一下, 并无恶意, 很可能"过客'兄弟一无所获, 不过, 别气馁, 我也没成.

衷心祝愿'过客'兄弟觅得'美人'归 ( 不但长相形体美, 心灵也美, 尤其心灵美,至关重要.), 了却心愿,新年快乐!</HTML>
Re: TO '过客'

Re: TO '过客'

to the guest

<HTML>you know what, the reason why I don't have a girl friend is that I had been busy looking for money and I did make some money. Now I feel like to replenish myself in the university. If girls have the bloody same thought as you, that is not only a disaster for me but also for our nation.</HTML>
TO: 过客


对不起,泼点冷水, 只是希望你不要在开始就这样高的希望, 到头来会很失望的。因为在加拿大的,中国来的女孩子,她们想的可和你不一样。完全不一样。</HTML>

Re: TO: 过客

<HTML>poor guy! 32 years old, no career, no family. I bet if you are in China, it will be different.</HTML>
anyone taller?

<HTML>过客 180cm
徐行 185cm
me 188cm
anyone taller?

we need another two tall guys to make a basketball team
Ottawa Single Chinese Basketball Team. PLMM love sports guys, i'm pretty sure. we can get some. i mean it, what do you say, you guys?</HTML>
Sleep with you

<HTML>Hi, Guo Ke,

I am a beautiful virgin, I want to sleep with you</HTML>
<HTML>I understand you, but you need to know there are also so many guys who have good work, nice car and even a new house there, but they have no girl friends. Who knows what happened here, be patient and be practical since they are very practical.......</HTML>
<HTML> 一单身女友说,多余担心,一个都落不下!</HTML>