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<HTML>据说有Money Order/Check等办法,请教具体操作办法
<HTML>You can send it via the bank. I think HSBC will be the best choice. you need to fill up some information such as the address and the name of the receiver. The bank will first use Bank of China as an agent if they don't have branches in Mainland China. Then Bank of China will deliver the money to the receiver in China. The transaction charge is about $50 to $100 CDN$. If you need further info, just phone any of the banks, and ask them about it. The information you will get is much accurate than you gather from here.

Good luck.</HTML>
<HTML>if you have a foreign currency account in China, you can direct send money from your account here to that account,
every time bank will charge you 45 CAN$ (royal bank).</HTML>
<HTML>thank you ,guys</HTML>
<HTML>Usually I use bank draft.
Go directly to the bank where you have applied your account, ask the staff to make a bank draft to you. You just need to show the name of the person that you want to send the money to, and decide which currency you want to make the draft. And the bank will charge you $20 (probably, not quite sure now) for transaction fee. Then you just mail the bank draft to your parents as registered letter.
As for the currency, I usually ask the bank to make US dollar bank draft, that's just easy for my parents to keep US currency. Otherwise, you can just make CND dollar bank draft, then your parents can exchange the money to RMB directly in China.
As for the transaction fee for making the bank draft, you'd better call your bank to get the information.</HTML>
<HTML>Transaction fee for making the bank draft is 5 CAN$ (royal bank).I am pretty sure about it because I bought it two days ago.</HTML>
<HTML>去任何银行都可以,直接买Money Order.
money order交到国内的中行后要兑现的时间一般需要20-30天.</HTML>


Re: 太好了

<HTML>Hi My friend,

As far as I know and have experienced, the best & direct way of sending money back to your parents in China is to write a Canadian check with your signature and mail it to your addressee. You should advise your parents go to People's Bank of China to exchange the money in RMB. Depending on where your parents live, the time to wait for to get the actual RMB varies. Regardless how much money you send, the Bank will only charge a minimal processing fee, whixh is much lower than the fee you pay otherwise (Money Order etc).

This is the best way of getting money home once a year such as at the time of Chinese New Year.

Any questions, please contact me at 260-6758 (O) during office hours.

Good luck!</HTML>
Re: 太好了

<HTML>Best way is to send your personal check to your parents. Your parents can go to any China Bank in China. Personal check is the same as money order.</HTML>
Re: 太好了

<HTML>don't use bank draft, money order or personal check. these are not safe, if lost, it is very hard to get money back.Bank of China put these checks as long as they want.
use your accout, even it is expensive.</HTML>
Re: 太好了

<HTML>No, bank draft, money order are safe, if you lost, you can ask the bank to cancel it, because the money hasn't been cashed. I did before. As for Bank for China, if you want to exchange to RMB, one day.</HTML>
Re: 太好了

<HTML>I used personal check. It should be safe because the Bank of China will check your parent ID and name (make sure your parent name is correctly written). But probably it take a month to cash it out ( The bank need to verify and get the money from your Canadian bank). Definitely you can block the check if it is lost.

The anonymous doing good thing means Lei Feng</HTML>
Re: 太好了

<HTML>The only problem for personal check is you need keep the all amount on your check in your bank account for a while, coz you don't know when they will cash it.
But I don't like keep big amount in chequing account, I usual get some interest from GIC or do some investment.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:</HTML>

Re: 太好了

<HTML>Good point. But if you use money order or bank draft, the money will be taken out from your account right away. If you use personal check, just assume that money is already gone.</HTML>