Help! I want divorce

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<HTML>He is a useless man, no job, can do nothing. I want divorce. Could you please advice me the divorce procedure?</HTML>
<HTML>r u serious lady?
<HTML>Lady, just be patient for your husband. You come here with him, which means he can do something. If only because of no job, it is not valuable to divorce with him. If he is not so good to you, or you do not love him any more, maybe you can think of leaving him.</HTML>
<HTML>Divorce is simple, but you need to seperate for one year. divorce is not a good thing, if you have made up your mind during the seperating period you'd better to think it over. Job is really hard to find now, be patient to talk to your husband. Take care.</HTML>
<HTML>in this case, devorce is good... to the man.

with a wife like this, he could kill himself. Or she will kill him... in case he failed again.</HTML>
<HTML>I hate my man. I don't want to live with him.</HTML>
<HTML>嫁男人就像买股票, 现在正好是股市低迷期, 采取的行动最好是'持币观望' 千万别抛, 不然, 将来后悔就来不及了.</HTML>

去使馆作公证, 找代理人在国内办理离婚手续。 过去在那个城市, 那个区办理的结婚手续, 现在就到哪里去办理离婚手续, 一定在法院办理。若你们2人有离婚协议, 很方便。一个月办好。 若你们无法达成离婚协议, 则法院会判, 这样会等3个月左右。具体的问一下中国使馆就都知道了。

你可想好了,赌气离婚是荒谬的, 你会后悔。 若你们2人都想给对方一个重新生活的机会的话,那离婚也是一种生活方式。

你和你的丈夫, 你们2人都为对方多想一步的话, 就可以达成协议。 离婚其实要是处理的好, 2人还会有很好的关系保持着, 但吵架过度,这才是真正破坏了以前的感情。


王菲有首歌: 你快乐,我也快乐!给对方一个新的生活空间, 也是爱的一种。

我不会祝你们离婚成功, 但我要祝你们2人都可以拥有自己想要的新生活。

无论是2人继续在一起,还是分手。尊重对方, 也是爱的一种。</HTML>

want to be a bosom friend of your husband

<HTML>I am another "useless man, no job, can do nothing" just what you described your husband. Do you want your husband to have a bosom friend to pour his pain? Please contact me
if you want him to go through the most miserable event in his life with a little bit help. I believe you want to do
this for your husband even now you don't love him anymore.

I bet his problem is not that simple as you said. There must be some too complicated old storys still there exist and that is the original obstacle neither you nor your
husband could easyly get over. Beyond the surface you saw,
some evils have been deteriorating your relationships constantly.

I have been married for eight years and I clearly see the
problem is .............................................
Our marriage have gone through crucial points for many times. I do not know how decadent your husband is, but
I am 100% sure the most torturous thing for him is that he
can not get understanding from you. You might say" I just can not understand what he acted like this" because you are not aware of or you just want to ignore the how such a decadent husband is developed. If you just want to ignore
and if I were your husband I would break up with you without one more word.

You want to leave him just he is not optimistic and he did not act as a man. That sounds a good reason of your break up but......lady,listen to me, I believe there must be some spiritual obstacle which beyond the surface and hide deeply in his heart that you may never knew. No one can really stand in other's shoes to sense other's accumulated grief they have. accumulated !!!
There must be a unfortunate history in his life and I bet
unemployment is the last beat that knock him down. In this circumstance,you will be the last bomb that is going to destroy his world and it is so easy. "We can not save the world but we could save one's world."
Now,I seems to be able to see your husband's hopeless eyes staring at the darkness. Do you really want to see a face expressionless ex-husband wandering in the chilly north America? Lady
I hope you are the lady who can understand what these
dots represent.........................................</HTML>

I don't understand why women want to have a divorce with a umemployed husband; however, I have seen so many Chinese immigrant happy families here in Ottawa where husbands are employed full-time and the other half is home-maker.

Why can't be the other way around? Why can't our Chinese women have more consiousness/fairness/rationalism/support in dealing with family/husband issues especially during the current economical recession?

The fact is: the divorce rate is so much higher among the new Chinese immigrant families. 95 of all my known cases are that the female half has regular full-time jobs whereas the male half is unemployed or work part-time or make less though employed full-time.

My fellow Chinese women or to_be_married, can you please share some of your straight thought with our puzzled Chinese male half?</HTML>
Re: Equality?

<HTML>I can not understand, lady! He is useless, no job, can do nothing; but why did you marry him. Oh, I see, he must be useful, he had a job, he could do lots of things.
But, anyway, he is your husband.He is not something you buy in supermarket---when you can use it, you keep it, when you do not need it, you throw it into garbage can.
Poor husbandS here!!!!!</HTML>
Re: Equality?

<HTML>Chinese men, stand up and let's fight with these stupid, pride and useless wives! :lol2:</HTML>
Re: Equality?


I am in the process

<HTML>you can contact me if you want to know the procedure...
because I am in the process.</HTML>