再次关注 SUNW

4.19: 公司降低年度第三季(到3月)??,目前盍估每股??0.06-0.08美元,路透盍期??0.03美元?_I收目??26.5?美元,路透盍期28?。公司也??裁?3300名?工,未??季帐列4.75?美元的相晷偻用。??也宣?,任命?任副?裁Jonathan Schwartz?_I哕樘,立即生效,McNealy仍?任董事樘。
最初由 陨石 发布
Wrong again.
老兄你有高见又不真,我?初入投儋者怎会在?坛上学到东西,?改咄自己咿邋和咿失,我?大家是投儋者(散户),不是?业人士,也象是一个投儋学生,一个有经?的老?是不会在学生工疹卷上只下Wrong ,Wrong again.的批遮了事,而不去蒿?学生去改咄。大家檫心见哲??邋!邋在什么地方?

最初由 陨石 发布
Wrong again.
Sorry to everybody, I meant I myself was wrong again.
It is very exciting.
This morning I shorted at 4.09 (What a mistake!), the lowest was 3.85.
I covered it at 4.35 and buy more at 4.55.

It looks like I still making money today.
最初由 闲得慌 发布
It is very exciting.
This morning I shorted at 4.09 (What a mistake!), the lowest was 3.85.
I covered it at 4.35 and buy more at 4.55.

It looks like I still making money today.

最初由 闲得慌 发布
It is very exciting.
This morning I shorted at 4.09 (What a mistake!), the lowest was 3.85.
I covered it at 4.35 and buy more at 4.55.

It looks like I still making money today.
最初由 闲得慌 发布
It is very exciting.
This morning I shorted at 4.09 (What a mistake!), the lowest was 3.85.
I covered it at 4.35 and buy more at 4.55.

It looks like I still making money today.

You predicted sunw could go up days ago. Why did you short it?
最初由 buddy 发布

You predicted sunw could go up days ago. Why did you short it?

I predicted it based on my 感觉. I did not have any solid evidence.
The second day after my predict, it went down a little and nobody here agreed with me either. Thus I doubted my 感觉。 Plus, after I scanned the news release in the early morning of Friday, it looked bad and a big sell pressure was on then. So, I shorted it.