有兴趣的话,请QQH联系。谢谢! 配置如下:
HP Pavilion 8670C PC
Intel PIII processor 600MHZ
Award motherboard
30GB Ultra DMA hard disk (Quantum Fireball)
384 MB SDRAM memory (256M + 64M *2)
8x DVD-ROM (Pioneer DVD-114)
4x HP CD-writer
Aopen FM56-PM Modem
10/100Base-T PCI networking card
NVIDIA TNT2 Vanta 3D AGP Graphics (8M)
Creative AWE64 PCI audio card
HP USB multimedia keyboard with 2 USB ports
HP 2-button scrolling mouse with USB connector
100M Zip Rom driver
Floppy disk driver
17' ADI MicroScan monitor
36x Acer CD-Rom驱动器
ATI 3D Rage II 显卡(4M)
网卡(带RJ45 和同轴电缆接口)
Creative Sound Blaster 16 (ISA)
HP Pavilion 8670C PC
Intel PIII processor 600MHZ
Award motherboard
30GB Ultra DMA hard disk (Quantum Fireball)
384 MB SDRAM memory (256M + 64M *2)
8x DVD-ROM (Pioneer DVD-114)
4x HP CD-writer
Aopen FM56-PM Modem
10/100Base-T PCI networking card
NVIDIA TNT2 Vanta 3D AGP Graphics (8M)
Creative AWE64 PCI audio card
HP USB multimedia keyboard with 2 USB ports
HP 2-button scrolling mouse with USB connector
100M Zip Rom driver
Floppy disk driver
17' ADI MicroScan monitor
36x Acer CD-Rom驱动器
ATI 3D Rage II 显卡(4M)
网卡(带RJ45 和同轴电缆接口)
Creative Sound Blaster 16 (ISA)