


昨日发现离住处不远有个网球CLUB,有谁知道租场费一般是多少? 后者会员费?
Where do you live?

The membership fee is quite different in many club.
I know the club.

I know the club, if what you are talking about is the rideau tennis and squssh club. Actually I have been their member for 3 years. Frankly speaking, the membership is quite expensive. The fee for summer is $400 per person, and maybe a little more for the winter. They have indoor court for winter. That is why I still stay there.
Some other club is cheap, like 160 per couple for the summer.
If you like to have a look in that club, send me QQH. I will play there this Sunday.
我差点也想发一个组织网球队的贴子, 我想再热点再发, 既然你发了, 是否愿意搞个网球队, 大家一起锻炼身体。

KOOL, 你好, 可以组一个队啊. 我住KANATA. 给你发QQH了.

阿搜, 如果打球, 怎么联系你们?

Re: 怎么联系?

最初由 farmboy 发布
KOOL, 你好, 可以组一个队啊. 我住KANATA. 给你发QQH了.

阿搜, 如果打球, 怎么联系你们?

这建议很好, 不如建个网球俱乐部, 大家可以去一些club 或学校租个场地, 搞个比赛。还希望能组织一个玩snooker的club. 不知谁有兴趣。
Re: Re: 怎么联系?

最初由 kool 发布

这建议很好, 不如建个网球俱乐部, 大家可以去一些club 或学校租个场地, 搞个比赛。还希望能组织一个玩snooker的club. 不知谁有兴趣。

Please count me in for Tennis and snooker. Thanks
Great idea.But I am just only a very beginner for those sports. Anyway, participation should be strongly recommended, isn't it? Just wanna get a tanned body.:p
Re: Re: 怎么联系?

最初由 kool 发布

这建议很好, 不如建个网球俱乐部, 大家可以去一些club 或学校租个场地, 搞个比赛。还希望能组织一个玩snooker的club. 不知谁有兴趣。

I play both snooker and tennis, intrested in your snooker idea.
ok, good, now the question is how to make this happen, not just talking and reply to each other
my suggestion is , make up one time and we all meet some where to start this club!
we call ottawa-chinese high class sports club (OCHCSC)...too long damn thing, any suggeston?
ottawa chinese tennis-snooker club (OCTSC)<<< sounds like Greek :)
100 percent agree

I can't agree more.
Kool, Could you setup a time and a meeting place? weekend or weekday lunch time maybe be better, I guess.
I have another idea. We could setup a tennis or whatever name group in Yahoo with a maillist. It would be more convenient for us to communicate and organized.
yeah, good ideal. but if some ppl work at govenment or some place with firewall, yahoo not ganna go through, same as MSN.
how about next weekend, we take ppl from this BBS first, send them HHQ . and you pick up a place (cup of coffee will be good), then we put all the ideals together, I already have three friends want to jion in.
Next weekend is fine

A new post have been put in CFC for this idea. Let's see how many guys are interested in.
OK, I will send QQH to eveeyone here who likes to sign in, before Thursday, and let you know where and when.