Assembly a PC -- for Advices

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<HTML>I am going to "build" a PC myself.

I am not a programing guy but do some simple program like Minitab and AutoCad, plus MSOffice, plus Internet and my son's games. And VPN.

The money should be $1000 together.

I hope I can get advices about CPU, HD, Screen, RAM, Driver, etc...

Thank you in advance.

I hope it helpful for all viewers.</HTML>
<HTML>It's too late now. I'll give you a email tomorrow.BTW, what kind of pc games do your son often play, this is the core of building your PC.</HTML>

<HTML>Thank you 弥勒佛, just the education stuff. He is only 7 and I cannot affrod to more than 2 hrs for him per day.

Hope to have your email and thank you in advance.</HTML>
<HTML>Get a VERY good monitor and take every thing else easy..

with $1000, anything on the market will suit yr computing need. Monitor is where you/son face every day, you might consider a flat panel as it doesn't give you radiation, and your son doesn't play action games. Yet, for yr CAD stuff, a 19" or above crt is more suitable.</HTML>
<HTML>19'? maybe too big. 17' may good enoguh.</HTML>
<HTML>dont try to assemble a pc by urself.
it doesn't worth ur time and money.
buy a complete system from any store.</HTML>

<HTML>我自打有自己的第一台机以来,就没有用过INTEL的CPU(自己花钱的机器).对于视钱如命的我来说,追求最高的性能价格比是我一贯的宗旨。AMD Athlon是当前大部分Gamer的第一选择。不管你是自己装还是买现成的,我都建议你不要买那颗贵得不值得的奔腾的心。总的来说,AMD的CPU性能价格比至少是INTEL的3倍以上。而且现在的AMD CPU已经非常稳定了(关键在主板和内存的搭配),我自己用来计算股票价格的机器就是AMD的ATHLON,两个月来都一直表现不错。有大量详尽的硬件指南。

当然你老哥有钱没处花,一定要买个“放心”,我就无话可说了。 :)</HTML>

to sheng and any others who want to buy a DIY PC around 1000$

<HTML>First of all, if you don't know anything about the pc hardware and you have enough money, go to buy a brand one in futureshop or staples.

in my opion , there are 3 levels of pc. 700$, 1000$ and 1400$.I'm talking about the 1000$ pc today.

There are five important parts in PC(CPU,Motherboard,video Card,monitor and harddisk) since there are too many choices of them.
1.CPU,that is the only good component in a brand pc. frequency is not the most important. I'm runing win2000+apache(web server)+tomcat with INTEL celeron of 700MHz although I like AMD more. It's working well. so we choose cpu at last depending on the money left.

2.motherboard, for a pc of 1000$, you should choose a brand name motherboard.ASUS,Gigabyte,MSI,Awill,Intel,Epox and ECS all have good products. card.since you do some autocad work , pick a ATI video card.Don't choose NVIDIA that is for gamer instead of designer. Actually Matrox's card is better for designer but it's hard to find one in the present market.

4.monitor. you do autocad work and your son is only 7, so a 19" or good flat CRT17" is perfect for your work and your son's eyes. don't save money on monitor.For this point, I agree with Ginseng.

5.hard drive.I prefer West Digital and Maxtor(Quantum was merged by Maxtor). 3 points: 7200RPM, 2M cache and at least support ATA-100.

6.sound card, if you don't want to play DVD on your pc ,a card of 30$ is enough for your use or just buy a motherboard with audio in it. there is no difference between the 30$ card and the one integrate on motherboard. or dvd, not many choice in Canada , so pick a sony ,creative or LG.the speed dosen't matter, pick a cheaper one., if you want I recommend LG 16*10*40.It's very good. or you can chooose sony. no difference, just pick the cheaper one.

9. memory, the price was up recently, at least 128M.also few choice in Canada, choose a one with lifetime warranty.

the price:
monitor 350$ smsung 950P(19") or a 17" perfect flat monitor. don't buy the cheap flat one such as samsung 753DF. But 755DF is fine.
hard disk: 150$
memory:50-60(SDRAM 50,DDR 60)
fllopy disk+network card+case:100$
mouse + kb=50$

so only 250$ for cpu+video card +mb+audiocard.

#1,Duron 900 MHz 85$+sis735MB(ECSK7S5A with audio)100$+ATI radeon 7000 110$
overall 1050$

#2, Duron 900 MHz 85$+Sis 730 MB(any brand from above with audio video and lan)150$
overall 1000$

if you want the latest chipset for fastest cpu ,you have to pay at least 200$ more.
AMD xp 1600+ 210$ , KT266A MB 200$ ATI radeon 7000 110$

overall 1200$</HTML>

Re: to sheng and any others who want to buy a DIY PC around 1000$

<HTML>弥勒佛 and all,

Thank you very much to take time for the topic. I am getting my hands on it next week.

By the way I got two more samll issues if you or others get a few mintues:

1. do you have any idea to get a qucik hands to input Chinese. I come from Hunan with poor Pin Yin.

2. how are about the Palm, can it input Chinese by "writing" and connect to PC?

Best wishes to all.</HTML>
Re: to sheng and any others who want to buy a DIY PC around 1000$

<HTML>1. Pin Yin is the easest one. Do you know Wu2 Bi3?
2. Palm can be conneted with pc but I don't think the palm here can input chinese.You may go to futureshop or staples to have a look.</HTML>


<HTML>新闻组 有很多,我正准备买一个呢。</HTML>
Re: 你可以买个二手电脑,再来个LCD


Re: 你可以买个二手电脑,再来个LCD

<HTML>I have a set of 汉王笔 purchased from China (1,300 Yuan). It is mainly used for voice input (only 80% accurate). The hand writing input is slow than Pin Yin. I removed it from my laptop since you have to carry all hardware anywhere with the laptop, otherwise you can not start a computer.</HTML>
Re: 你可以买个二手电脑,再来个LCD

<HTML>1.Don't buy LCD. It's not for designer ,even not for home use.

go to this website,金山词霸。there is a software for PALM.</HTML>
