Be brave, Nanjingese

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<HTML>Hi all Nanjingese:
I have seen so many articles (more than 40?) discussing all about Nanjing, but that's the end.
I have heard some propose at the begginging to meet together, but no response at all. As a famouus writer once said:" SILENCE all around, if you are not breaking out from it, then you will die from it."
More funny thing is that, someone prefer to meet 4/5 months later on a plan to China, rather than have a day meeting and chatting here. SO SAD AND SO SHAME OF YOU NANJINGESE ---although I am also one of you.:crying:
SO I propose everyone from Nanjing who wants to meet other friends rather than live alone with silence & lonely---meet at the dancing party held by Beiguo Chorous& Dancing this Friday(Jan18,2002). Male and female are equally welcomed, just show you are a excellent Najingese in public, not in the an corner of the web.
Hope to find all you there ( at least 30 if I count right).
BTW, I am not doing advertise for the party, just think it's a good chance for us to meet , please cherish this opportunity.</HTML>
<HTML>where is the party?</HTML>


老王他们两口办那个北国合唱团, 每周都在导报上登点消息.

<HTML>JDSU火的那阵子, 半个团的JDSU工程师。想在北国泡妞, 档次可想而知了。如果放个南京妹在里面, 可以算美女了。

Re: 关于造词!

<HTML>To all:
I am so glad at least there is response/reply, whatever positive or negative.
To be honest, it's just an open invitation for the union of all Nanjingese who wanted to meet.I just don't want the topic died this way.
I know Beiguo's party is not good, espacially the music, I'd rather call it "weird". But at least it's an opportunity for us to meet new friends and get rid of the regular boring life. For this reason,I think we'd better support Lao wangs'effort.
As for the creation of the word, well, it depends. If you like, you could create all the words such as "FP+ese" you like and pose it everywhere, just remember to brush your teeth/hands each time you speak/type it.
Sorry , have to wash my hands now, see you all later ;)</HTML>

<HTML>what kind of weird music? I've never been beigou before. honestly, a meeting is a good idea, but I won't go to a party with poor music.</HTML>