...... 流氓党 - 流氓点孛尔帖赤那 注册 2002-02-26 消息 22,918 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-07-15 #1 每人回我一贴,每星期能节省电影费5块。我先不说啊,那地真便宜啊,口水都流出来了。
patrickpei 知名会员 注册 2002-02-09 消息 5,745 荣誉分数 60 声望点数 158 2002-07-15 #2 i know each weekend 9:00 p.m. u can watch film in central town, it is free and u just need to bring ur chair and there is also some live show before film. so that is good.
i know each weekend 9:00 p.m. u can watch film in central town, it is free and u just need to bring ur chair and there is also some live show before film. so that is good.
patrickpei 知名会员 注册 2002-02-09 消息 5,745 荣誉分数 60 声望点数 158 2002-07-15 #4 i just like to experinece the feeling of outdoor film. make me remeber my childhood. it is really good, u guys should go there.
i just like to experinece the feeling of outdoor film. make me remeber my childhood. it is really good, u guys should go there.
patrickpei 知名会员 注册 2002-02-09 消息 5,745 荣誉分数 60 声望点数 158 2002-07-15 #6 http://www.centretown.net/movies/
...... 流氓党 - 流氓点孛尔帖赤那 注册 2002-02-26 消息 22,918 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-07-15 #7 我把答案说出来吧, ORLEAN TOWN CENTER的电影真便宜,周末白天含税才5.5元,都是大片,上次我看了MINORITY REPORT. 爽啊. 打算以后每周都去看,大家都去,我搞个签名会,我的T-SHIRT上有我的头像,好认. 嘿嘿
我把答案说出来吧, ORLEAN TOWN CENTER的电影真便宜,周末白天含税才5.5元,都是大片,上次我看了MINORITY REPORT. 爽啊. 打算以后每周都去看,大家都去,我搞个签名会,我的T-SHIRT上有我的头像,好认. 嘿嘿
...... 流氓党 - 流氓点孛尔帖赤那 注册 2002-02-26 消息 22,918 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-07-16 #9 开车也就35分钟,啊呸原来是孔乙己,嘿嘿. 把电话贴出来,有空大家带你去,嘿嘿.