Business Textbooks for sale
BUSI 4601 - Business Ethics
Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases (5th Edition)
by Manuel G. Velasquez (Author) sold
BUSI 4609 - Strategic Management
Strategic Management With Infotrac: Competitiveness and Globalization Concepts by Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson ( fifth edition) $35
Busi 2101
Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications
(Second Canadian edition) $55
Psyc 1001 & 1002
Psychology: The science of behaviour (second Canadian edition) $65
Busi 2505
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 4th Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2002. with study guide $60
Busi 1004
Financial Accounting (ninth Canadian edition) by Robert Meigs (Author), Wai Lam (Author), Brenda Mallouk (Author) sold
Econ 2002
Microeconomics, fifth Canadian Edition with study guide
Busi 3107 - Industrial relations (photocopy) $30
Call me at 3025999 or e-mail:
BUSI 4601 - Business Ethics
Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases (5th Edition)
by Manuel G. Velasquez (Author) sold
BUSI 4609 - Strategic Management
Strategic Management With Infotrac: Competitiveness and Globalization Concepts by Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson ( fifth edition) $35
Busi 2101
Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications
(Second Canadian edition) $55
Psyc 1001 & 1002
Psychology: The science of behaviour (second Canadian edition) $65
Busi 2505
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 4th Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2002. with study guide $60
Busi 1004
Financial Accounting (ninth Canadian edition) by Robert Meigs (Author), Wai Lam (Author), Brenda Mallouk (Author) sold
Econ 2002
Microeconomics, fifth Canadian Edition with study guide
Busi 3107 - Industrial relations (photocopy) $30
Call me at 3025999 or e-mail: