I am here for thanks to everyone! I have already settle down everyhting of hte ticket. It is simple, though I made many calles to find how to handle it. What I did was to call to aircanada(1-888-247-2262), as you may know, the line is always busy, I tried in midnght in 12:30am, didn't get through, so I tried it again on 6:00am, and it got through! A lady took my phone, and since my english is not so good, she went to find a chinese lady to talk with me! So everything became easier, I just told her what I want, then she helped me change my reture time. My ticket is open for one year, so it is free to change.

There are something you may need to pay attention:
1, if you want to change the reuturn time, better call them 7 days before your old time.
2, if you cannot get throuh the line, you can also go to airport.
3, you can changed your time many times, if only you want pay the change fee.
4, if you change it on the call, better have you ticket on hand, they will sak you for the "tour code", which they maynot know where it is on the ticket, it takes time to find.
5, the only thing you can change is the time, i am not whether it is only my ticket.
Ok, that's all for changing ticket time, hope you understand what I said!
最初由 iron tiger 发布
Additionally, if your change is well done, could you please post your experience in the Forum, so that it could benefit to other Chinese people.
Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thanks.