K Kathy dog 新手上路 注册 2002-08-29 消息 410 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-05-31 #1 父母申请探亲签证,被大使馆要求体检,体检结果8周后才到大使馆,而我的邀请信的理由是参加六月份的毕业典礼,那岂不是等体检结果出来后,邀请信已过期了吗?有什么补救办法吗?各位给点高招吧!先谢过了!
F fortget_it 资深人士 注册 2002-03-22 消息 935 荣誉分数 123 声望点数 203 2004-05-31 #2 Unfortunately, you parents need to wait until the result of physical examination sent and reviewed by the visa officer. You should have applied for the visas ealier.
Unfortunately, you parents need to wait until the result of physical examination sent and reviewed by the visa officer. You should have applied for the visas ealier.
Z zzz_xf 新手上路 注册 2004-05-02 消息 13 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-05-31 #3 Is the physical examination necessary for visitor visa apply? Who can tell me? Thanks.
E easy 新手上路 注册 2002-09-10 消息 214 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-06-01 #11 最初由 Kathy dog 发布 有哪位的父母办签证体检过吗?检查哪些项目?谢谢! 点击展开... 和移民体检差不多,也需要到指定医院做。只有几个大城市有指定医院。