Better place to know election platform

最初由 yh_abc 发布
I happen to find this interesting link that can help us better understand the coming election

I focused on two issues: tax and immigration
My personal opinion is that Conservative platform is much better than others.

Agree with you.

Liberal's immigration policy sounds like they are trying to get away from responsibility - without financial resource to the municipality level, how can the municipal government share more responsibility?

Conservative's immigration policy may not sound very welcoming to immigrant - but read and then think carefully, from the perspective of the country. Why would a country want to welcome 220,000 immigrants per year if they can not support themselves soon. It would mean unemployment rate increase ! social support pressure! and they whole society unstable ! If I were the leader of the country, I would want to welcome people who will come and make contribution to the country. Doesn't it make perfect senese?

By the way, Why does Chinese government welcome foreign investors with so many incentives? Because foreign investors will bring value to the country.

Liberal's so claimed friendly relationship with immigrant is just another show off. I'd rather have someone push me to find a job than collecting welfare all the time.
Re: Re: Better place to know election platform

Let me paraphrase what you just said: for those who are rich or capable: welcome; for all those other losers, get the hell away from my country!

My Vietnamese Chinese friend just got married last year in Toronto. Her family was rescued by the Red Cross from a refugee boat back in the 70s, at which time her mother was ready to throw her into the ocean to prevent her from being raped and tortured to death.

You sounded so much like those who opposed the Irish refugees from coming to live in Canada in the 1840s. The truth is: it is immigrants who built this country, immigrants who made this country prosperous, and immigrants who would continue to take this country to a higher standard of living. Remember, you can't have it both ways, for you, or me, are all immigrants to this country.

Now, doesn't that make perfect sense?

最初由 开喜 发布
If I were the leader of the country, I would want to welcome people who will come and make contribution to the country. Doesn't it make perfect senese?
Re: Re: Better place to know election platform

怎么把移民说成是包袱呢?大家很多人都是从中国大陆移民过来的,那个人没有给加拿大政府交好几千的LANDING FEE和处理费;哪个没有从大陆带来几万,十几万美金;绝大多数人拥有学士以上学位;很多人在国内事业有成;谁看见哪个大陆移民去领救济了?





最初由 开喜 发布

Why would a country want to welcome 220,000 immigrants per year if they can not support themselves soon. It would mean unemployment rate increase ! social support pressure! and they whole society unstable ! If I were the leader of the country, I would want to welcome people who will come and make contribution to the country. Doesn't it make perfect senese?

By the way, Why does Chinese government welcome foreign investors with so many incentives? Because foreign investors will bring value to the country.

Liberal's so claimed friendly relationship with immigrant is just another show off. I'd rather have someone push me to find a job than collecting welfare all the time.
Re: Re: Re: Better place to know election platform

你的意思? "加拿大政府交好几千的LANDING FEE和处理费,哪个没有从大陆带来
几万..." 自由党政府就靠这个挣移民的钱? 这就是他们所谓的重视移民吗?恐怕
他们是想让移民来做苦力吧? 难怪他们希望移民越多越好,最好每年几百万,政府

了.那么每年吸收的移民是太多了还是太少了呢? 只要看看统计数据,现在刚来

最初由 terry 发布
怎么把移民说成是包袱呢?大家很多人都是从中国大陆移民过来的,那个人没有给加拿大政府交好几千的LANDING FEE和处理费;哪个没有从大陆带来几万,十几万美金;绝大多数人拥有学士以上学位;很多人在国内事业有成;谁看见哪个大陆移民去领救济了?





Re: Re: Re: Better place to know election platform

最初由 terry 发布
怎么把移民说成是包袱呢?大家很多人都是从中国大陆移民过来的,那个人没有给加拿大政府交好几千的LANDING FEE和处理费;哪个没有从大陆带来几万,十几万美金;绝大多数人拥有学士以上学位;很多人在国内事业有成;谁看见哪个大陆移民去领救济了?





你的意思是如果现在英裔、法裔让售票员关门, 他们也有可能被售票员赶下车?
那也好, 还是将这片土地还给土著吧!
Re: Re: Re: Better place to know election platform

最初由 渐渐 发布
...You sounded so much like those who opposed the Irish refugees from coming to live in Canada in the 1840s. The truth is: it is immigrants who built this country, immigrants who made this country prosperous, and immigrants who would continue to take this country to a higher standard of living. Remember, you can't have it both ways, for you, or me, are all immigrants to this country.

Now, doesn't that make perfect sense?

I think you also go to another extream end. Personally, I think immigrant policy should be flexible. For example, if Canada is in short of labor, they can issue work visa to qualified foreign works, just as US does. It really does not make sense that in a down turn period, Canada still stick to a 'quota' system to accept new immigrants. We are all immigrants, and we all want Canada to be rich and strong. In this sense, we definitely want to accept the qualified immigrants. You may argue that how we can judge a child qualified or not. But that goes beyond the topic, right?
Let's assume we are now in China, and China starts to accept immigrants all over the world, what is your attitude toward the immigration / refuge policy?
Re: Re: Re: Better place to know election platform

如果谈政治, 就谈政治, 我愿意把个人感情放在门外.

我认为一个国家的政府, 必须要为国家整体考虑, 制定政策的时候必须以全国百姓的利益为主, 即使有时候要得罪少数民众, 如果对整个国家有利, 那也应该顶住压力去做.

移民是加拿大的历史, 现在, 和未来. 任何党派除非是傻子, 否则绝不敢改变加拿大靠移民这个事实. 但是当国家经济遇到问题, 没有能力帮助移民的时候, 是应该把门堪提高, 明确说出希望接受更能够融入社会, 对国家和社会做出贡献的移民, 共同搞好经济; 还是拿谎话骗人, 大把高技术移民吸引来了但没有工作, 连刷碗都找不到门.

这比喻未必合适, 但是, 如果我失业了, 没收入了, 我家有乡下亲戚来投靠我, 我会告诉他等我情况好的时候再来吧, 别在这个时候来, 因为我帮不了你.

我情愿听实话, 而不愿意听某些党派表面上说的比唱的好听, 但底下的做法却和说的完全背道而驰. Liberal好象挺帮助移民似的, 但是现在移民法门堪提高到连总理都打不够分, 中国等地的使馆案件积压超过4年, 就不派资源去处理, 这些不都是他们做的吗? 如果说一套, 做一套, 不就是骗人吗?

By the way, my first and best personal friend in Canada is also a Vietnamese Chinese family. They also escaped the troublesome country on a small boat, then get picked up by Red Cross (or UN) and came to Canada as refugee. Personally I have nothing againt refugee. You know what, when I called them today and asked who they'd be voting for - guess what? The Conservative.

I have nothing against refugee or immigrant, but I have everything against cheating, lying, and stealing taxpayers' money.

最初由 渐渐 发布
Let me paraphrase what you just said: for those who are rich or capable: welcome; for all those other losers, get the hell away from my country!

My Vietnamese Chinese friend just got married last year in Toronto. Her family was rescued by the Red Cross from a refugee boat back in the 70s, at which time her mother was ready to throw her into the ocean to prevent her from being raped and tortured to death.

You sounded so much like those who opposed the Irish refugees from coming to live in Canada in the 1840s. The truth is: it is immigrants who built this country, immigrants who made this country prosperous, and immigrants who would continue to take this country to a higher standard of living. Remember, you can't have it both ways, for you, or me, are all immigrants to this country.

Now, doesn't that make perfect sense?
