Conservative is not your friend (vote NDP)


Beside what I have talked about Conservative support of missile Shield and support for US’s military occupation of Iraq.

The whole world knows that Conservative is the party for the rich.

Do you know that 1 in every 200 Canadian has $1.5 million dollars on top of their real-estate holdings(statistic Canada 2003)?

That includes all children, adults and, seniors? If there are 4 people in a family, then 1 in 50 families has more than $1.5 million dollars excluding their real-estate.

If this seems to be unreal to you, it’s because you are not hanging around with the rich, and you don’t belong to the group of the rich.
I want to be rich.
I vote CP.
最初由 hello123 发布

The whole world knows that Conservative is the party for the rich.

why not ???

No political party can really protect your property on your behalf, then why not save more money by cutting tax. It's just matter of whose finger is longer to reach you wallet. NDP, dah...
Do you want to send people to war, to just you can save a few tax dollars?
Many of you might not remember this but you should have seen the disaster the NDP created in Ontario when they were last elected in 1990 ... if you think McGuinty is bad!!! A vote for the NDP is a wasted vote. "

What have they done after that were elected?
What did they do?

最初由 House wife 发布

What have they done after that were elected?


- raised taxes on individuals and businesses
- chased companies from Ontario (over-taxing -- I believe it was the State of Michigan in the US that voted NDP leader Bob Rae as their "businessman of the year" because NDP party policies resulted in so many companies moving to the Michigan from Ontario)
- created a huge budget deficit
- implemented the famous "Rae Days" giving civil servants (including teachers, doctors, nurses, etc.) ten days off without pay per year.
- contributed heavily to a decline of Ontario residents standard of living during their mandate
- introduced unpopular revenue-raising initiatives such as photo-radar
最初由 FallColor 发布
Do you want to send people to war, to just you can save a few tax dollars?

What's the chance you will go to the war and what's chance you will be taxed?
there will always be a big gap between the rich and poor, then there's us. the normal people.
so what does the NDP do or what are their plans if they come into power?