What you should do in Commerce if you are going for Finance (ZT)


1st Year
1. Meet a lot of people;
2. Get familar with the university curriculum asap;
3. Start building networking confidence by involving in various activities.

2nd Year
1. Meet more people;
2. Maintain your GPA as high as possible;
3. Acquire some experience such as part-time or volunteer.

3rd Year
1. Meet many more people;
2. Look for internship opportunities;
3. Register and study for CSC (Canadian Securities Course);

4th Year
1. Seek out values from the already-built network;
2. Start applying for jobs;
3. Study for CFA Level I if you are ready to work or GMAT if you are going to grad school.

Reminder: To compete in the furious world of Finance, the key is neither GPA nor work experience. The distinctive criteria is that you can be different and finally stand out. Usually firms assume that most of the graduates from Finance are identically intelligent, but they rather look for the "right" and "fit" people. So what you should do now is to think over and find what your comparative advantages are. I repeat, it is FURIOUS. If you can survive, you will probably be the minority already. If your goal is just a job, I suggest you going for accounting or act sci instead.
As a B.COM who has gone through all the headaches and teadious procedures, I would just like to list a few reminders to those who are 3rd year right now.

During the summer, you should:

1. Improve the quality of your resume and cover letters
2. Start doing research on the firms you are interested in
3. Participate in whatever events that school of management may offer
4. Know yourself more in various aspects

If you already have done these, good job! If you are not going to take my advice, I will guarantee you a painful final year. Like some of the commerce graduates this year, the people who make no efforts will graduate with no job offers or interview experience.

我9月份将来 B.com honours option finance.
刚准备online register,就一头雾水。学长能给一些入学前的新手指点吗?

offer中给我year 2. granted 24.0 credits:
PHI first level (3.0)
ADM second year level(9.0)
DCC first year level(3.0)
ECO second year level(3.0)
CSI first year level(6.0)
上面那个PDF文件是你完成DEGREE所要的课,你TRANSFER STUDENT给你免了24个学分,不过还是得先从一年级开始读拉!

一年级课的CSI 1301 PHI 1101可免掉
其他都得要学拉! 剩下的你ADM second year level(9.0)可能作为必修课来转,还有其它给你转的课,可作选修课!不过你选完课最好去系里再问问!

PROF:PETER KOPPEL( Udergraduate Director)

Preys on newbies fresh into "business school" - thinks he's the best professor you ever had so far. Intimidates you when you're new, by the time you graduate, you've forgotten that you're already more educated than him.
actually 流浪梦 is not bad, he likes helping ppl~