I lost my wallet in Chinatown last night at around 10 pm. I was shocked when I called my credit card company later that someone had withdrawn $1500 from an ATM using my credit card. My credit card company started an investigation and will inform me the outcome in 2 weeks' time. They told me most ATMs had a built-in video camera which could capture the culprit's face.Until now, I do not how this culprit knows my PIN number, even though I had only once use my credit card on an ATM 2 and a half yeras ago. I had forgotten my PIN myself. I suspect this culprit may use other means to read the PIN on my card.
I like to know if anyone had such experience. Will the credit card company ask me to pay up the $1500 if the video evidence is not conclusive ? Will they also ask me to pay up even though the culprit's face was captured by the camera ?
Is there any way to track down the cuprit if his face showed up on the camera ?
I like to know if anyone had such experience. Will the credit card company ask me to pay up the $1500 if the video evidence is not conclusive ? Will they also ask me to pay up even though the culprit's face was captured by the camera ?
Is there any way to track down the cuprit if his face showed up on the camera ?