

前面有很多人抱怨过。两年的房子外面的墙皮就掉下来了。不如 Urbandale 和 Richcraft的好.
是KANATA的MORGAN‘S GRANT,在KANATA的北边, 比较了一下价格,同样价钱Minto 的房子多出400sq.ft.所以不知道质量怎么样。
They are pretty bad, have to be careful, becuase house not like other shopping stuff, have problem >> u can return them. if there is a crack on the foundation wall, even they fix it, u still feel not that comfortable, I have two friends already had this kind of problem with Minto.
最初由 残剑 发布
是KANATA的MORGAN‘S GRANT,在KANATA的北边, 比较了一下价格,同样价钱Minto 的房子多出400sq.ft.所以不知道质量怎么样。

You can not only 比较了一下价格 on their list, you have to know what you want and what you will get, then add all upgrade in, then ask the sales person to give you the total price, then compare the prices with the same , at least similar config.

MINTO's standard config is pretty low, so you have to upgrade almost everythings. :)
事实上,sales并不知道upgrade的具体价格,minto upgrade 的选择很多,他有专门的design center,不象一些小的builder,sales center 就是designer center,直接可以谈upgrade.所以我觉得在sales center 没法得出最后的total price. 还有即使有些builder 说, 给你hardwood floor, 不同的木头的价格也不同,不同的瓷砖和地砖的价格也不同,学问很多,我看还是在于你自己怎么想。 对于minto 我认为,是一个讲信誉的builder,至于质量,关键在于contractor 的手艺,也就是说你自己的运气了,对于每个builder 来说都存在这个问题。关键的关键在于你喜不喜欢这个房型,地点好不好,自己的心理价位是多少。你可以买大房子,不upgrade , 或买稍微小一点的房子,把房子装修的漂漂亮亮的。
最初由 maple 发布
事实上,sales并不知道upgrade的具体价格,minto upgrade 的选择很多,他有专门的design center,不象一些小的builder,sales center 就是designer center,直接可以谈upgrade.所以我觉得在sales center 没法得出最后的total price. 还有即使有些builder 说, 给你hardwood floor, 不同的木头的价格也不同,不同的瓷砖和地砖的价格也不同,学问很多,我看还是在于你自己怎么想。 对于minto 我认为,是一个讲信誉的builder,至于质量,关键在于contractor 的手艺,也就是说你自己的运气了,对于每个builder 来说都存在这个问题。关键的关键在于你喜不喜欢这个房型,地点好不好,自己的心理价位是多少。你可以买大房子,不upgrade , 或买稍微小一点的房子,把房子装修的漂漂亮亮的。

Do not mis-leading. :-(
It is nothing about design center....

Every companies have upgrade price for their upgrade options for everything they offer, so sales person has that price list.

some builders is negotiable for the price, but it is said Minto is not.

Just go ahead to the sales office, check their house standard, then
ask for the upgrade you want, then let them give you the total price.

最初由 northernwolf 发布
I think you are misleading. It is the design center who could really finalize the upgrade price, since there are so many trivias for upgrading. Sale center can only give you a very rough estimate which could be far different from the final cost.

And it is true that many small builders don't even have a real professional design center, and for this point, MINTO is really not bad.

最初由 bill 发布

Do not mis-leading. :-(
It is nothing about design center....

Every companies have upgrade price for their upgrade options for everything they offer, so sales person has that price list.

some builders is negotiable for the price, but it is said Minto is not.

Just go ahead to the sales office, check their house standard, then
ask for the upgrade you want, then let them give you the total price.
最初由 fortget_it 发布
I think you are misleading. It is the design center who could really finalize the upgrade price, since there are so many trivias for upgrading. Sale center can only give you a very rough estimate which could be far different from the final cost.

And it is true that many small builders don't even have a real professional design center, and for this point, MINTO is really not bad.

If you focus on "finalizing the price", that is their finance/account department's job. not even the design center's.

" a very rough estimate which could be far different from the final cost" ? before finalizing, every thing " could ..." happen. :-(
it could be " Far different ', or " nor far ..", right?

so is there any problem to ask for sale person to get a estimation?

Please remember, the guy just want to compare the price before making decision. As your point, I think the "cpmpany/ designer center will not waste their time to give you the EXACT price before you sign the contract to buy the house.

so please do something help, not only discuss how the builder do it.

tell him how he can get the prive to compare.

:D :D
最初由 bill 发布

If you focus on "finalizing the price", that is their finance/account department's job. not even the design center's.

" a very rough estimate which could be far different from the final cost" ? before finalizing, every thing " could ..." happen. :-(
it could be " Far different ', or " nor far ..", right?

so is there any problem to ask for sale person to get a estimation?

Please remember, the guy just want to compare the price before making decision. As your point, I think the "cpmpany/ designer center will not waste their time to give you the EXACT price before you sign the contract to buy the house.

so please do something help, not only discuss how the builder do it.

tell him how he can get the prive to compare.

:D :D

The price is decided at design center and nothing to do with finance/account department! They have the list and the price so you know the price there and pick your choices and sign the forms. You have few appointments (3 or 4) to do that. Be careful that the external color of the house is picked at sales office. It is my experience!
That's is why I said you were misleading. You can't really get a precise price estimate from the sales unless you can get it from the design center.

最初由 bill 发布

If you focus on "finalizing the price", that is their finance/account department's job. not even the design center's.

" a very rough estimate which could be far different from the final cost" ? before finalizing, every thing " could ..." happen. :-(
it could be " Far different ', or " nor far ..", right?

so is there any problem to ask for sale person to get a estimation?

Please remember, the guy just want to compare the price before making decision. As your point, I think the "cpmpany/ designer center will not waste their time to give you the EXACT price before you sign the contract to buy the house.

so please do something help, not only discuss how the builder do it.

tell him how he can get the prive to compare.

:D :D