

投自由党吧。自由党虽然有什么丑闻事件,但不等同于中国国内的个人贪污,是属于管理不当/浪费。要相信他们从中会GET LESSON的,因为他们有危机感。而且自由党内并没有大家说的那样,总是一副面孔,他们党内互相也有争吵和制约。看看老克不就知道了吗?
同意, 大家不要选保守党, 他们不关心华人的
你?不要搞邋了。 自由? 在胚上呃 ?多年╋攘人得到咿他?的?助??
?助? where ?助 come from?
最初由 aruba 发布
你?不要搞邋了。 自由? 在胚上呃 ?多年╋攘人得到咿他?的?助??
最初由 Apple 发布

去年SARS期间,全加华人灰头土脸,对华人的歧视言论四起之时,自由党领袖老克到TORONTO 的中国城就餐,会见华人顾客和华人业主,还和围观华人握手(请注意:这是在人人对华人避之唯恐不及之时)。不知道大家当时是什么心情,反正我颇为感动。可其他党的领袖/政党干什么去啦?出来安抚华人啦?没有借机恶意取笑华人就算烧了高香。不知各位是否还记得当时报刊文章的内容和各种漫画?
Liberal Party may waste the taxpayers' money. So everyone in this country pays several dollars for them to waste including our immigrants. But convervative party does not care about our Chinese. It only cares about the WHITE people. We will lose our job and have no income to support us. We might get discriminated more and more. Comparing paying several dollars vs having no money, which one should we choose? Our chinese are talking about surviving in the new country, not the owner of the country although we are entitled to be. Someone might feel like they are the owner of the country already, but for most of our Chinese, we don't have that feeling.

Liberal party does make mistakes, but there are laws there to control them. So what are we scared of voting Liberal Party? More and more Chinese gets job even Liberal party is "wasting" money. When Conservative party has the power, all the members of this party will use their power to make themself rich in legal and hidden way. So we will lose more money.
i only look at my pocket

i know liberals are close to immigrants. but, since i am living here, i care more about my hard earned money

if you guys have no problem with liberals scandal of wasting millions of dollars. if you guys have no problems allowing liberals' lie of health care tax and if you guys have no problem with every year's double digits property tax hike

Then go ahead, go for liberals. COME HERE, TAKE MY HARD EARNED MONEY PLEASE.

i know there are some die hard liberals but if you care about your own well-being, think twice and vote smart. at least teach them a lesson. remember, higher tax will not result a better system.

最初由 DanceWithWolf 发布
去年SARS期间,全加华人灰头土脸,对华人的歧视言论四起之时,自由党领袖老克到TORONTO 的中国城就餐,会见华人顾客和华人业主,还和围观华人握手(请注意:这是在人人对华人避之唯恐不及之时)。不知道大家当时是什么心情,反正我颇为感动。可其他党的领袖/政党干什么去啦?出来安抚华人啦?没有借机恶意取笑华人就算烧了高香。不知各位是否还记得当时报刊文章的内容和各种漫画?
vote for conservative party. for every Chinese.

最初由 闲云 发布
Liberal Party may waste the taxpayers' money. So everyone in this country pays several dollars for them to waste including our immigrants. But convervative party does not care about our Chinese. It only cares about the WHITE people. We will lose our job and have no income to support us. We might get discriminated more and more. Comparing paying several dollars vs having no money, which one should we choose? Our chinese are talking about surviving in the new country, not the owner of the country although we are entitled to be. Someone might feel like they are the owner of the country already, but for most of our Chinese, we don't have that feeling.

Liberal party does make mistakes, but there are laws there to control them. So what are we scared of voting Liberal Party? More and more Chinese gets job even Liberal party is "wasting" money. When Conservative party has the power, all the members of this party will use their power to make themself rich in legal and hidden way. So we will lose more money.
The WHITE peole complaint the immigrants because we are working hard and take opportunities away from them. Thus we take money away from them. Conservative party only supports the interest of the WHITE people. So conservative party will kick Chinese people out from the market. We lose all our money and future.

Liberal party may neither be a good choice, but we have to choose one who can protect us in an acceptable living environment.

最初由 闲云 发布
The WHITE peole complaint the immigrants because we are working hard and take opportunities away from them. Thus we take money away from them. Conservative party only supports the interest of the WHITE people. So conservative party will kick Chinese people out from the market. We lose all our money and future.

Liberal party may neither be a good choice, but we have to choose one who can protect us in an acceptable living environment.