Car window smashed in the parking lot


What a surprise for Father's day! Well, someone smashed our driverside window and got into the car hoping to find some cash. He probably walked away in great disappointment but caused us great inconvenience too. We parked in our assigned spot in the Apartment's parking lot. I called police at once but was told no police will be sent as this kind of incident is way too often. (Sounds familiar with Torontonians?) Obviously Ottawa is going towards that path too.

Here, my question is, how much does it cost to replace a window class on the driver side? As today is Sunday, I can't call anywhere for an estimate. Any good shop to recommend? Second question, is it worth to claim my insurance if I have a 300 deductible for my insurance? Thirdly, is the rental office responsible for this at all or not, as we park legitimately and pay our parking fee every month?

To make it worse, we are actually moving out of this place in a week! Just a week away....... Oops.

Thanks for any advise you can offer.
在Clyde & Laperriere附近有很多AUTO glass store,你可以去问问。
Happy Father's Day

Soemone said to me when I stepped out Loeb today.

Your questioen:
1. Speedy Glass, Hoeron/Bank, my feeling is good there with PERSONAL experience(3 times).
2. NO.
3. No again.

我听说去junk yard有时可以找到合适的玻璃,而且很便宜。其他两个问题的答案和上面的一样,不要告诉你的保险公司,否则你的保险会涨,得不偿失。公寓一方通常是不负责这类赔偿的。
Thanks everyone

最初由 haoxin 发布

Got it done with $130 cash. I know there are ways to save money, but the issue is the time, parking my car without the front side window just bugs me. I guess I know who did it, it happened to other tenants in the building before. Sometimes in the parking lot, I saw this bunch of kids smoking pot...... Ottawa is becoming more and more like Toronto or Vancouver. We had our 8th murder this year and it's only June!
It happened on my car once also. After that, I moved out that apartment.

Usually the glass just costes you around $100 bucks, if you head to a small auto glass shop. You may pay another $40~$80 bucks for tint if you want keep your window dark.

I suggest you donot report to your insurance since the cost may much lower than your deduction. But an alarm system is necessory if you still live in that kind of builing.
最初由 红颜知己 发布
我听说去junk yard有时可以找到合适的玻璃,而且很便宜。其他两个问题的答案和上面的一样,不要告诉你的保险公司,否则你的保险会涨,得不偿失。公寓一方通常是不负责这类赔偿的。


I had the same situation on April. Furtunately, there were witness around, a couple didn't sleep that night and they called the police. Four teenagers are caught but only one was sued. I claimed to my insurrance, they said my insurrance won't be raised next year because it's not my fault. Besides of that, the insurrance can get the money back from the teenagers' parents. I went to a bodyshop to have the window fixed. It costed me 390 dollars. The rental office won't do anything. My neighbour's car got broke-into before in his parking spot. He argued with the landlord but got no answer. the rental office won't put any money on the security equipment. Although it happened on me, I still think Ottawa is much safer place than Toronto and Vancouver.