人人都会有好友,家人或自己的一身中是老弱病?,智力低下的时候。有点爱心,同情心。不要总“我,我,我"最初由 aruba 发布
?且╋你又不是老弱病? ╋也不是智力低下者 ╋?什?老要?惠政策?
最初由 jack 发布
退1万步讲,即使保守党能把经济搞好,那也只是白人受益,有色人种压根就是他们心目中的贱民,只能是优先LAY OFF的或脏,险,苦,累工作的主。没有人还会幻想他们给点施舍吧。况且,很难将安省前任的政绩,赤字同“把经济搞好”画等号。
最初由 lifeisfun 发布
Don't put yourself a level lower than the white people. If you are really doing well, you will be treated better. For sure there is discrimination here, and in fact there is discrimination everywhere, even in China as we also discriminate people from countryside. We should try our best to improve ourselves such as language skills, don't just come here and blame the unfair treatment you received and expect the benefit of social program. Socialism won't work, it's not working in China and will not work here either. You don't want to beg your white boss to keep your job, then why you want to beg your white prime minister to give you the wealfare.
As for the deficit of Ontario government, it's hard to interpret, this party can interpret in this way and the other party can interpret it into another way. That's why I thin it's right to have the independent accounting expert to involve to direct monitor the government spending. How come you can trust a government (Ontario liberal) which break their promise and introduces the health premium to tell you the truth about the Ontario financial situation?
The fundamental fix for these kinds of problem is to have a small and transparent government, so that you know where their expenditure goes as like a shareholder of a company, it's your tax money which you should care for.
最初由 kpmgtd 发布
At least I will not vote for a rightist party that plan to turn Canadian force from peace-keeper into regime-changer. Period!
For people who are expecting huge tax cuts and other purple benefits promised by the Conservatives, let's see what you can get if you are just among the so-called middle-class. If you are a millionaire/ billionaire, then Harper may be your best choice.
There is no free lunch in this world!
最初由 lifeisfun 发布
Don't put yourself a level lower than the white people. If you are really doing well, you will be treated better. For sure there is discrimination here, and in fact there is discrimination everywhere, even in China as we also discriminate people from countryside. We should try our best to improve ourselves such as language skills, don't just come here and blame the unfair treatment you received and expect the benefit of social program. Socialism won't work, it's not working in China and will not work here either. You don't want to beg your white boss to keep your job, then why you want to beg your white prime minister to give you the wealfare.
As for the deficit of Ontario government, it's hard to interpret, this party can interpret in this way and the other party can interpret it into another way. That's why I thin it's right to have the independent accounting expert to involve to direct monitor the government spending. How come you can trust a government (Ontario liberal) which break their promise and introduces the health premium to tell you the truth about the Ontario financial situation?
The fundamental fix for these kinds of problem is to have a small and transparent government, so that you know where their expenditure goes as like a shareholder of a company, it's your tax money which you should care for.