

Can you increase government spending, dramatically lower taxes and still balance the books?

Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney tried it. By 1993, Canada's economy was in deep recession, with an annual deficit of $42 billion and unemployment over 10%. Ontario Premier Mike Harris tried it and left a deficit of nearly $6 billion.

As federal finance minister, Paul martin cleaned up the mess the Conservative left behind. Canadians balanced the books, boosted employment and brought interest rates to 30-year lows.

But now, Conservative leader Stephen Harper wants his turn. He's promising George Bush-style tax cuts and a massive military build-up.

Harper wanted to send Canadian troops into the Iraq war. He would privatize healthcare and take away the rights and liberties of Canadian citizens, recognized in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Jack Layton and the NDP can't stop Stephen Harper. Only a Paul Martin Liberal goverment can build the country we all want.

In Ottawa Centre, your vote will make a difference.

On June 28th, choose Richard Mahoney.
最初由 DanceWithWolf 发布
Can you increase government spending, dramatically lower taxes and still balance the books?

Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney tried it. By 1993, Canada's economy was in deep recession, with an annual deficit of $42 billion and unemployment over 10%. Ontario Premier Mike Harris tried it and left a deficit of nearly $6 billion.

As federal finance minister, Paul martin cleaned up the mess the Conservative left behind. Canadians balanced the books, boosted employment and brought interest rates to 30-year lows.

But now, Conservative leader Stephen Harper wants his turn. He's promising George Bush-style tax cuts and a massive military build-up.

Harper wanted to send Canadian troops into the Iraq war. He would privatize healthcare and take away the rights and liberties of Canadian citizens, recognized in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Jack Layton and the NDP can't stop Stephen Harper. Only a Paul Martin Liberal goverment can build the country we all want.

In Ottawa Centre, your vote will make a difference.

On June 28th, choose Richard Mahoney.

I don't know if you can do that for this question:

Can you increase government spending, dramatically lower taxes and still balance the books?

What I know is that we want a small but more efficient government, avoid the waste of the government such as scandal, want more money in our own pocket so that we have the control and spend, wan 2 tier health system so that people can choose their treatment they want, want a strong army (I am against sending troop to Iraq though), wanr tough punishment on the criminal, want the accountability of the government (the bottomline is very simple, do what you said, like Mike Harris).

I don't know if conservative government will do better if they are elected. However, what I know is liberal haven't done good since they are in power for too long. It's the time for change, it's not the time to compare the performance of each party. As if you cann't trust what a party said vs what it did, like the Ontario provincial liberal government, how should you compare the party just based on what they promise you as these promises may never be materlized.
最初由 DanceWithWolf 发布
Can you increase government spending, dramatically lower taxes and still balance the books?

Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney tried it. By 1993, Canada's economy was in deep recession, with an annual deficit of $42 billion and unemployment over 10%. Ontario Premier Mike Harris tried it and left a deficit of nearly $6 billion.

As federal finance minister, Paul martin cleaned up the mess the Conservative left behind. Canadians balanced the books, boosted employment and brought interest rates to 30-year lows.

But now, Conservative leader Stephen Harper wants his turn. He's promising George Bush-style tax cuts and a massive military build-up.

Harper wanted to send Canadian troops into the Iraq war. He would privatize healthcare and take away the rights and liberties of Canadian citizens, recognized in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Jack Layton and the NDP can't stop Stephen Harper. Only a Paul Martin Liberal goverment can build the country we all want.

In Ottawa Centre, your vote will make a difference.

On June 28th, choose Richard Mahoney.

BTW, I have already voted for conservative for Ottawa and Nepean.