Free Kittens to good homes


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Free kittens seeking good homes

There has been a small colony of feral cats living in the Iogen Corporation
warehouse yard for several years, which I and another employee have been
feeding. Last year, we had a bit of a population explosion. I took as many
kittens as I could find to the humane society, but I seem to have missed a
few. This year, we have 12 adult cats living at the warehouse location.
About two months ago, the first litters of kittens started being born, and I
have been catching and finding homes for them. So far, 15 kittens have been
placed. We still have 4 that we are seeking homes for - descriptions are
attached below. Additionally, we have been trapping the adult cats and
having them sterilized at the humane society (and then returned to the
colony to live out the rest of their days) so that this is not an annual
problem. We raised $1400 to help have this done through a series of fund
raising efforts. The kittens that we currently have are (hopefully!) the
last we will find.

We currently have one 7 week old brown/tan female tabby. Since she was only
caught about 2 weeks ago, she is still a little scared of people, and needs
a little more socialization. Based on our experience with another cat from
this colony, I am confident that she will settle down if shown some TLC.
But until then, patience is required.

We also have 3 three-week-old kittens. If you would like to take one of
these kittens now, beware that they are a great deal of work (need to be fed
every 4 hours for next 2-3 weeks). If you would like to commit to taking
one in a few weeks when they are more independent, then my wife and I will
be foster parents until they are ready to go. These kittens are very cute,
and are gray and white - two are female, one is male.

All appear to be healthy, have been dewormed, and are flea and tick free.
The older kitten is litter trained, as will be the three-week-old ones when

If you would like additional information, including some small pictures of
the kittens, please email me at or . You
can also contact me on my home phone (613) 822-7849 if you would like to
view the kittens.

Thank you for your interest, and I hope we have a kitten that is right for

Robert Griffin
Chemical Engineer
Iogen Corporation