最初由 twilight 发布
到旅行社定票,旅行社告诉我说,如果是旅游签证,一定要买往返机票. 否则海关不让入境, 因为有移民倾向.真是这样的吗? 可是我不会留在一个地方,我会玩几个城市,这样的话,也可以买往返机票吗? 就是去的时候是一个城市下机,回的时候是另一个城市上机, 可以这样定票吗?谢谢!
最初由 twilight 发布
最初由 chinadian 发布
not all. some drove. never seen a problem with those flying.
i have seen their computer systems and i know what they can check and what they can not.
at land border, they may also search your car and your body. they look for certain information. i just happen to know that after they found certain things on my clients, they will rejected them. and those THINGS are very normal things and legal things. many carry those THINGS with them.
i had a client living in NYC with HK passport US greencard, traveled to HK then came back by flight to USA and got rejected, so he came to Toronto and took bus again and rejected. later, he has to pay $2000 to use a special method to go back to NYC.
another client was a new Canadian citizen who was on H1 before in USA. he got searched at border once for 1 hour and after that, he got searched every time when going into USA. the record is till not cleared. the reason he got searched at the first place was because he had something extra on him. nobody thought it matters, because it is 100% normal and legal. after this case, i told my client to remove this kind of things from the original place. they told me that when they got searched, they were looking for those things, but did not look further after not finding anything in the normal place.
最初由 chinadian 发布
not all. some drove. never seen a problem with those flying.
i have seen their computer systems and i know what they can check and what they can not.
at land border, they may also search your car and your body. they look for certain information. i just happen to know that after they found certain things on my clients, they will rejected them. and those THINGS are very normal things and legal things. many carry those THINGS with them.
i had a client living in NYC with HK passport US greencard, traveled to HK then came back by flight to USA and got rejected, so he came to Toronto and took bus again and rejected. later, he has to pay $2000 to use a special method to go back to NYC.
another client was a new Canadian citizen who was on H1 before in USA. he got searched at border once for 1 hour and after that, he got searched every time when going into USA. the record is till not cleared. the reason he got searched at the first place was because he had something extra on him. nobody thought it matters, because it is 100% normal and legal. after this case, i told my client to remove this kind of things from the original place. they told me that when they got searched, they were looking for those things, but did not look further after not finding anything in the normal place.
最初由 叔叔 发布
我也很想知道什么东西是those THINGS are very normal things and legal things. many carry those THINGS with them.