Looking for a bicycle

gals' road bike, good condition, 值得一看,价格面议
picture please

最初由 Riverleaf 发布
Do you have a picture? And the price please. Thanks

最初由 Justin Luo 发布
gals' road bike, good condition, 值得一看,价格面议
Re: Do you have a picture? And the price please. Thanks

asking for $30, it is in really good condition
Please check your QQH

最初由 Justin Luo 发布
asking for $30, it is in really good condition
give me your phone number and I will call you, cuz I am not at home right now
Please call 864-9868

最初由 Justin Luo 发布
give me your phone number and I will call you, cuz I am not at home right now
is it still available

Can you please leave your phone number if it is still available. Or you can call 864-9868.

QUOTE]最初由 Justin Luo 发布
give me your phone number and I will call you, cuz I am not at home right now [/QUOTE]